Chapter 7

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Rachel's POV :

So finally the day for the big match is here. The weather is just so romantic outside today. I hope it rains, i know how much Cristiano loves to play in rain. I could keep looking out forever.

I was looking outside and i saw a black converteble stop outisde. Auston was in it he stepped out of the car. He started walking towards the house and then i heard the bell ring.

I am so late, he is here. I need to change, decide what to wear. Without thinking i just jumped in the shower. I came out dryed my hair. Wore jeans and a shirt with Cristiano's name on it. I personally got it made, i love the fact that Ruby officially made this my room.

She never even asks me to get rid of my clothes from here. Thank god last time when i wore this shirt, i left it here only. Or else i had to go home and had gotten very late.

After 10 min i am ready and i must say. Not bad at all, wait a second did i forget something.

I have everything, my bag, have all the clothes on. Not forgetting any thing and at that moment i realized.

Auston came to pick me up and Cristiano is also down waiting for me to come. I did not even tell Cristiano i was going with Auston today. 24 hours ago i was a free bird and now i just feel like a prisnor.

I made my way down the stairs to see, what the situation is. I hate it what i encountered. Auston was chatting with Ruby and Cristiano was nowhere to be seen. He left because he understood why Auston was here. I have to go to him.

"Getting really late, we need to go now" i told Auston.

"Okay lets go" he said and we went out the door.

We reached in 15 min and i knew i had to find him before the match. I had to get in time or this year we are screwed. He wont be able to concentrate i know him. If something bothers him he cant concentrate.

"Where are you going" Auston asked me.

"To find my Superstar" i told him.

"You mean Cristiano" he said.

"Yes who else" i said and started to look for him.

While i was searching for him i got to know that the manager of Manchester United is here. He came to watch the match. Now i really have to find Cristiano. Then i realized where he would be. I went straight to the locker room and found him sitting alone in a corner.

"You okay" i asked him

"What are you doing here? Where is Auston?" He asked me

"Can we forget about him for 2 min, why didnt you wait for me" i questioned him.

"You should be with him and this is stupid what we do before every match" i told her.

"I know you are upset and i am really sorry but this does not mean you say about this" i told him.

"Rachel i should go, meet you after the match" he said and started to walk.

"I do not fear anyone, my fight is not with anyone except with myself. I will be the very best, the world will love me and at the same time some will hate but it will only make me stronger. I am and will be the one this world will remember. I am Cristiano Ronaldo" i said .

"Thank you" he said .

"Say it " i told him.

He repeated my every word.

"Well one thing Rachel, you forgot one thing" he replied.

"Like what" he asked him.

"All the sexy girls will love me" he said.

"Very funny now go and win it" i said.

He went out to the ground and i made my way to the benches. I sat with Auston and prayed for our team.

The match started, within seconds the ball was passed to Cristiano and he ran towards the goal. The defenders were blocking him pretty well. He stopped for a second and i couldnt believe what i saw. He goaled from the mid field. I couldnt believe my eyes, it was a wonderfull shot.

The game continued 1-0. It was half time. We were winning. Within 5 min after the half time the Eastern high scored. Only 3 minutes were left and no team were able to score the winning goal.

Cristiano got the ball and he ran towards the net and was pushed by one of the defenders. It was a penalty he got the red card. Now it was all up to Cristiano.

The ball was placed on the mark, he came and stood infront of the ball like a lion. Before telling the refree he was ready he looked at me and i gave him a huge smile. It was time for you to shine and win this.

The refree whistled and he kicked the ball, by inches it passed the goal keeper. It was a goal we won. I couldnt believe it, i ran towards him and jumped in his arms.

"I knew you could do it" i said,

"You always had faith in me" he said.

"I am so proud of you" i said then i leaned a bit close and kissed him on the cheeks.

It was not the first time, i had kissed him but this felt different. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Now will you put me down" i said.

"No i dont feel like it" he replied with a devilish smile on his face.

"Put me down or i will kill you" i threatened him.

"You dont scare me anymore baby" he said and made his grip more tight.

"Cristiano please put me down, other people even wants to meet you" i told him.

"Well they can wait" he said.

"Every thing okay here" Auston said.

"Everything is fine" Cristiano said as he put me down.

"Was asking Rachel" Auston said.

"So i replied for her" Cristiano said.

"Guys what is going on here, Cristiano you go and change. Will see you in a bit" i said and took Auston away from there.

We started walking and i started the conversation.

"What was that? Nobody talks to him like that except me" i told him.

"Well if you dont want me talking to him like that, then stop being in his arms all the time" he said

"Excuse me, did you just said what i think you did. He is my best friend, do you get it or do you need me to write it down" i said in my angry voice. He was really pissing me off.

"Well i am just saying, keep some distance" he told me.

"You know what i cant deal with this right now, Cristiano is waiting for me" i said and left.

Why did he say that, its nothing like that. He will never understand our friendship. If he wants to continue the relationship with me he needs to understand what Cristiano means to me.

"Hey where you lost? Where did Auston go?" Cristiano asked me.

"He had some work to do, so he left" i lied to him.

"Well then its just you and me. After you madam" he said and we both went to have lunch.

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