Chapter 31

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Cristiano's POV:

A week has passed since i talked to her. These days i only got, hey and hi from her. She had spending time with Pepe and busy with organizing wedding. Yesterday was the last wedding she organized and she has not come home yet. Did she stay the night at Pepe.

Dont imagine it, dont imagine it. Shit too late, she cant i know they have kissed but this. Oh it bothers me so much. I am a footballer i need to concentrate on playing. My life was a mess. I have not broken up with Irina still. I need to do it, screw my manager.

Its better to do it on phone than meet her. I guess publically it can be very bad. I took out my phone from my pocket and called her.

Ring ring ring

"Hey baby" Irina said.

"Babe we need to talk" i replied.

"Shoot" she said.

"Well im just gonna say it" i mumbled.

"Yes say it" she said.

"Im breaking up with you" i said it in one shot.

"Are you dumping me" she shouted.

"If thats what you want then babe you got it. Bye takecare" i said and disconnected the phone.

By disconnecting the phone it seemed like i had just dodged a bullet. I looked up and saw Rachel standing.

"Did you just break up with your girlfriend on a phone" she asked me.

"Yes" i said with a puppy dog face.

"Pathetic seriously, why dont you have enough cars to drive to her place and have the decensy to say it on her face" she said.

"I dont want to see her, i dont want anything to do with her anymore" i told her.

"Why did you find someone new" she asked me.

"No i have stopped screwing around" i told her.

"Really well who is responsible for this character change" she asked me.

"Character change, how im still the same Cristiano" i said.

"When i first met you i thought you were an angel and then you turned into satan. Now your turning back into an angel" she replied.

"Good to know that my keeper has a good eye on me" i told her.

"I aint your keeper" she said.

"You know you are and i will always belong to you" i said and went up to my room.

Rachel's POV:

Keep it together this sentence meant nothing. . He broke up with Irina the thought came to my mind, stop it. He didnt break up with her because of you.

Why would he. Last night hmm i still dont know why i did not go through with it. Pepe wanted to move our relationship to the next level but i just couldnt do it. Instead we did something else.

He slept in his room and i slept in the guest room. It was too late to come back to Cristiano's house. I wonder if Christiano even knows that i was not home last night. Why would he know. Anyways lets just get freshed up. I went straight to my room and took a bath.

I was really hungry i came down and Christiano was making eggs in the kitchen . I couldnt believe it.

"What are you doing" i asked him.

"Making breakfast love" he replied.

"First of all you aint british so dont say love at the end of your sentence and where is Ben" i asked him.

"He is on a holiday" he told me

"And all the other housekeepers" i asked him.

"There working" he told me.

"But they will leave at night only Ben stayed here right" i said.

"Yes why do you ask" he asked me

"Nothing just checking" i replied.

"What do you want to do at night" Cristiano mocked me.

"Shutup and make breakfast for me to" i said.

"As you wish mam" he replied.

I went and sat on the dining table and in a while Cristiano served breakfast. We both were eating and Cristiano started the conversation.

"So what are your plans for today" he asked me but before i could reply he added in.

"With Pepe i meant" he said.

"Nothing i have my flight in two hours" i told him.

"What" he shouted.

"Calm down whats wrong" i asked him.

"The past week you had been MIA coming and going. Only coming to sleep and last night you didnt even do that and now your leaving" he replied.

"The weddings are over i have to go home" i told him.

"What about me, how much time did you give me from your busy schedule" he shouted again.

"Why would i do that, you have a girl friend and i have a " i stopped at this.

"Apart from those relationships we have the something more" he replied.

"What your so called best friend. Cristiano except it i was your best friend not anymore" i said.

"God dam it you cant leave" he got up from his chair and said.

"Why cant i leave" i shouted louder.

"Because i love you idiot. I really love you and i dont want you to go away from me. Rachel your the only person who believed in me when i was nothing. You knew i would be the best when i was a kid and wore sneekers to school. You had faith in me you loved me. Dont say you didnt i know you did and you still do. I dont care what happend between you and Pepe last night just stay with me" he said

My heart stopped when he said he loved me. I had waited for this moment my whole life. He had tears in his eyes and his voice was shaking. I wanted to tell him i always have loved him but when he said what hapened between me and Pepe last night. He seriously thought that i would go with it. I snapped.

"You know what, im glad that i got over you and i i..... love. i dont love you.Im leaving you forever" i said and went up to get my bags.

I came down in ten minutes he grabbed my hand.

"Please dont go and i know you dont love him" he said.

"Maybe i dont but i will never be with you" i said and started to walk.

"But i love you" he shouted.

"Should have said it 7 years ago. A little too late portuguese star" i said and shut the door of his house.

I went straight to the airport and i made a call and then got on the plane.

Cristiano's POV:

She left me, she is gone forever. Its over everything is finished. My door bell rang and i thought it was her. I ran and opened the door it was Pepe.

"Cristiano you okay" he asked me.

"Im fine" i said.

"Rachel is gone right" he said,

"Yes she didnt say good bye to you" i asked him.

"You dont know, we ended our relationship last night. It was just not, we didnt have the feeling. Not her and not me" he said.

"You guys didnt do it last night" i asked him.

"No way" he told me.

I am the biggest idiot in the whole world she loves me and only me. I am going to get my girl.

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