Chapter 19

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Rachel's POV:

"I am waiting, who are you?" Cristiano asked again.

I didn't know how to tell him. I didn't want him to know, who I was.

"No one" I said and got up to leave.

He stopped me and pinned me to the wall. Just like old times.

"Who the hell are you" he said and I realized. The last time we were this close we kissed.

"I live in this town, two blocks from here" I said and I decided I wont hide anymore. He should be the one hiding.

"Two blocks, the house with the swings" he asked me.

So he does remember but what difference does it make.

"Yes, I live there" I told him.

"You liar" he said

"Why would I lie" I asked him

"You don't live there, the Salvatore family does" he replied.

"And your point is" I asked him.

"Who are you, they would never shift. Are you their guest" he replied.

"No" I said

"Then, Did you marry Damon" he replied.

"No way" I said while laughing.

"Then who are you" he asked in a frustrated voice.

"You remember everything about the house. You remember everyone but you forgot me". I said and pushed him aside. I did not wanted to deal with this anymore. I was about to leave but he grabbed my hand and at the same time the light came.

The room was full of light. Everything was clear and visible.

"Turn" He said

I turned and after so many years my eyes were on him. He was looking at me and it seemed liked he was figuring out who I was. I felt disgusted that he still did not recognize me.

"let me go" I shouted and released my hand from his grip. It was the same hand with the cards, while releasing myself the cards fell from my hands. The room was full with them. He was staring at them. They all said miss you Cristiano.

I looked at him and a tear fell from my eyes.

"Rachel" he said and it took my breath away. Suddenly my name seemed different, just because he said it. I couldn't control my tears, I just wanted to leave that place. I turned and ran downstairs. I went out of his house and went straight home.

I reached home and went straight to my room. I did not wanted to talk to anyone. I went under my sheets and hid myself from this world.

It was morning, I got up and called my assistant.

Ring Ring Ring.

"Good Morning Mam" she said.

"Is there any meeting pending, from the London clients" I asked her.

"No mam, it is all done. They need you next month in London" she told me.

"Fine just book me a ticket for London. I want to leave tomorrow. " I told her.

"Certainly Mam" she said and disconnected the phone.

I changed and went for a walk. I always take a path from his home, when I reached his place. I ran fast so there would be no awkward looks exchanged. I decided to go to the park. It was near my place. The best thing about it that it is empty in the morning. Cristiano and I used to play football here in the morning time.

Well I went in and as usual it was empty. I ran for 2 miles, then I stretched for a bit. I decided to rest for a while. So I sat on the bench, it was really foggy in the morning. I was sitting on the bench and I heard a dog barking. In the park, at this time. Where would a dog come from.

I decided to follow the barks and I saw the dog running straight towards me. I am not scared of Dogs, but this was a huge one and I did not know if it belonged to someone or not. I Started to run and I tripped. I was about to get up but the dog jumped on me . I fell on the ground and he came over me. He was licking me and drooling all over me.

"Hey, hey cut it out" I said to the dog.

"I am so sorry, Jack get off the lady right now" the owner of the dog said and in seconds the dog was off me.

"It is no problem. Your dog is very friendly" I said and looked up. It was him, what is fate trying to do with me.

"Hey" Cristiano said.

I did not reply I turned to walk away but was stopped by his dog.

"Why do you keep running away from me" he said.

"I am not interested in talking to you" I said

"Rachel, it's me Cristiano. Don't you remember me?" he asked me

"Why don't you ask this question from yourself. Now call your dog off" I told him.

"Will you please tell me, why are you so mad at me. The whole world is dying to meet me and in two days. You have met me twice, once you saw me in a towel. Which most girls would kill for" he said with a smirk on his face.

This is not my best friend. He was never like this.

"Well I am not like those girls" I said and walked away from him.

"Your wish" he shouted.

He is such an ass, he does not even remember what he did to me. He has changed into the most egoistic and arrogant person ever.

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