Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV:

Dear Diary,

Its been months, since I saw him. Or had a decent chat with Cristiano. He has been so busy, with all the trainings. He will soon be playing, his first match for Manchester United. I hope he scores, it will be really great for his start.

It seems he has forgotten me but no I should understand he is very busy. My life still seems to revolve, around that kiss. I still don't know, what it meant for him. My best friend is going to play for the top English team and look at me. I dont even know what i will do. A lot has changed since he left.

The last decent talk we had, was when he landed. He called me, I still remember the conversation.


"Hey Angel, I just landed" he said.

"I am so happy for you. You finally got your dream". I said

"I am already missing you, it feels incomplete without you" he replied.

"I am always with you, don't you feel lonely ever". I assured him

"I am in the car, going straight to the hotel. My training starts early in the morning" he told me.

"It will all be good" I said.

"You always knew i would do it. You always had faith in me, when no one ever believed" he said.

"My faith still stands, i know you will become the best" i assured him.

"Thank you for everything" he replied.

"Wow, dont you know the rule. You are never suppose to say thank you, to your friends" i told him.

"But you are not my friend, you are my best friend" he said.

"Sir we are here" i heard someone say it.

"Who was that" i asked him.

"Its the driver, i just reached the hotel" he told me.

"Okay so you rest, call me when you are free" i told him.

"Bye" he said and disconnected the phone.

Back to Reality.

I miss him but i cant just sit like this waiting he would call. I promised him, i would live and not destroy my future. I wont break the promise. I always had a bit of interest in Event management. I should focus on it.

Knock knock knock.

"Come on in" i said.

I looked and saw it was Damon. He was checking on me, since Cristiano left he comes to talk to me every day. I guess he is just worried about me.

"Hey baby sister" he said.

"I aint that small" i replied.

"You will always be my baby sister, for me" he told me.

"Damon i am fine" i said.

"I know that, i just came to meet you" he lied.

"Dont worry, i am not throwing away my life. I am started event management. I did a course for some months, i will continue it." I told him

"This is really good, its a good change" he replied.

"Thanks" i said.

He got up and was leaving the room.

"Hey Damon, thanks for always being there for me" i said

"What are brother's there for . To help there spoiled brat sister's. Not that you are spoiled" he said with a cute smile and left.

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