Chapter 1

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"Since I was born I have been taught to hate vampires.
They have been our enemies since the first drop of ink touched our history books.
A werewolf must remain cold in the presence of the enemy.
The thought of those vile bloodsuckers crossed my mind as I walked through my family's vast estate admiring the paintings of my family from past to present. The gold frames carved with the crest of our family name shined against the warm light of the chandeliers. Perfectly spaced along the velvet walls I ran my hand along the bottoms of the frames feeling the grooves with my fingertips.
When I got to the most recent portrait I couldn't help but smile in amusement at how modernized we all looked compared to the primitive yet royal appearances of our ancestors.
I was walking to the family hall when a sharp whisper called to me. "Baekhyun!"  My eat perked and I spun around to face kyungsoo. My younger brother had a concerned expression as I tilted my head down slightly to look him in his large dark eyes. "What's wrong?" he leaned into my ear. His hand hesitantly blocked his mouth before he spoke. "I heard mom and dad talking... There... There are some nearby" he whispered.
There was no questioning what he meant by those words because I already knew the answer. A sudden knot began form in my stomach but as Kyungsoo looked up at me I forced a small smile. His expression didn't change.
I let out a sigh "Are you the only one that knows about this other than mom and dad?" he shook his head. "No, I told the others" his big eyes shone with worry. I find it interesting that he's this concerned about a couple of vampires when he's one of the most powerful in our family. He's small but he could take any one of us in a fight easily. But his nature is too kind and he becomes timid easily. I decided to accompany him to his room where I was sure my other brothers were. As I walk in they all had the same expression painted on their faces at me. Worry
I'm not the eldest, my brother Xuimin is.. but for some reason all of my brothers tend to come running to me when times are tough.
I sat on the small couch next to Kyungsoo's bed with Suho and gestured for them to voice their thoughts because the heavy silence was too much for me. "Are they close?" I asked. "I'm not sure... I couldn't fully hear what mom said after she said that they had moved toward us" Kyungsoo answered. "Well, then why are you all so worried when they might not even be anyway near this mansion or the town? Saying they are close could mean anything Kyungsoo" I rolled my eyes before giving them a sarcastic look "You all know mom likes to exaggerate" I shrugged hearing them hum in nervous agreement.

"But, she was serious.." Kyungsoo cut through the seemingly resolved situation.

My parents are the strongest people in my whole family, My grandparents are strong but they have weakened in their old age. My parents are well respected in the werewolf and outside communities because of their power in not only strength but business. Our family is among the prestigious of magical families. Being a part of such a 'royal' family, I say royal with a slightly loose grip because even though we once held the crown, in modern society the monarchy is no more. It is stressful, especially on my eldest brother because he is the next in line to take over the family business. Being one of the youngest brothers that stress has yet to fall into my thoughts let alone my very shoulders.
My parents have a public persona they possess, hard and strict toward potential business partners but, at home I don't think I've ever met a couple as loving as they are. They are like a completely different pair of people behind the warm curtains that hang in front of the mansion windows.
Snapping out of my thoughts I see that all of my brothers were leaning in to listen to what I had to say.
"What if I go ask mom?" some nodded and some were still thinking but I thought majority rules applied so I quickly went in search for my mother. I walked through most of the house when I realized she would be in the kitchen since we haven't had dinner yet.
"Mom can I ask you someth -" as I opened the kitchen door I walked in on my parents kissing. I quickly averted my eyes.
"Uh... M-mom I need to ask you something" I stopped looking at the floor and looked up to them.
My mother is the most beautiful women. Her smile always makes my dad and brothers feel better. Long brown hair that naturally curls loosely and green-brown eyes that turn to crescents when she laughs.
My fathers black hair was always combed neatly and his dark brown eyes lose all trace of color when he is in a fight. He is the most powerful next to my grandfather. Most of us take after my father with those traits but I take after both parents. My hair is the same as or not a little darker than my mothers and my eyes are dark brown like my fathers. A nearly perfect mix, I would like to think.

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