Chapter 25

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I couldn't sleep at all.
The thought of baek carrying our child, whose life is in danger before he is even born made it impossible for me to close my eyes.
The light from the fire place gave little light to the bedroom.
Enough though for me to see baekhyuns sleeping face.
The light shone onto his multi toned hair gratefully.
He was gripping the blankets and leaning toward me slightly.
I turned my eyes to the clock... 4 am.

I brushed my hand over baekhyuns flawless skin before laying close to him. I put my arms around his slim torso and pulled him gently to my chest. He put his slender hands on my chest and sighed. I glide my hand over his belly, feeling the bump.

I want to hold him like this. I want to keep him here so he won't be harmed. The thought of the baby being hurt makes my heart ache painfully.
A baby who has done nothing but exist and already is hated by someone because of it.. My child... Our child.

Around 6 am I go down stairs still not having slept. I walk around aimlessly before walking into a room with a pool table.
I light the fire instantly and grab a pulque.
I touch the velvet table top walking around the table until I see a liquor cabinet.

I grab the scotch and tip the bottle back. I sit in the chair next to the fire place and just breath deeply as my eyes lids feel heavier. I tip the bottle back once more.

While staring into space I think of how much longer until the baby comes.. 3 months. Unlike the usual 9 for humans, a baby from someone like baekhyun can be born at only 5 months.. 5 months...
I am brought back by the sound of something hitting the hard wood floor.

My ring.
I pick up the metal jewelry and roll it around on my hand.
Looking at it takes me back to the day baekhyun promised to stay with me, and I promised to stay with him.
Even now.. If that means dying to protect the one I love.. If it will save him.. I will die.

"Chanyeol what are we going to do?" baekhyun looked at me with large teary eyes.
"I don't know babe.. " I stood next to him on the king sized bed.
He raised his shirt revealing his baby bump. "w-we can't keep him" baekhyun said as a tear ran down his cheek.
"what?" I am shocked.
"chanyeol.. Face it we are in high school, we have no idea how to raise a baby let alone one that is half vampire, half werewolf.. " he rubs his stomach. "so? He is my child just as much as he is yours baek.. How could you say you don't want him to live?" I raise my voice.
"would you want to bring a baby into this mess we call out lives?!" baek yelled as tears kept falling.
"everyone is trying to kill him chanyeol"
"so your going to do it so someone else doesn't get to?!" I ball my fist.
"he deserves a different life than one full of hate... He-he needs to be happy for who he is.. N-not ashamed" baek sobbed.
For a moment I am speechless.
"are you ashamed?" I ask trying to keep my voice steady.
"I am about.. My self... I-i brought.. So much pain into your life... Into everyone's lives..." his breathing is unsteady.
"some times... I think you would be much better with out me.. " he covers his face with his hands.
"what are you saying? I wouldn't be anything if I didn't have you! Yeah sure our lives are a mess but it wouldn't mean shit if you weren't with me through it!" I swallowed the
Lump in my throat.
"our child will be happy! Happier than any baby ever will be! You know why? Because he will be loved!" tears left my eyes as I looked at baekhyun.
"But.. But what about what people are saying?" baekhyun uncovered his sad face.
"screw them baek! Do you really think I've ever given a fuck about what people thought? I'm dating a werewolf for christ sake!" I grabbed baeks trembling hands.
"our child will not be ashamed of who he is. He is one of a kind and that's something everyone should be proud of" I kiss baeks forehead.
"we won't be alone in this baek.. Kyungsoo and lay have been with us through everything that has happened. Do you really think they will leave us to fen for our selves?" I look into his dark watery eyes.
"I don't even know our child.. But I already love him so much baek.. So much" I pull him close and burry my face into his shoulder.
"I... I do too yeol.. " he whispers.
"I..I'm just so scared." he his voice cracks as hugs me tight.
"I am to baby.. I am too"

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