Chapter 27

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It's been 4 days since Kris and the others abducted me from the cabin.
The nights are the coldest as I lay chained to the floor.

The sound of shoes approaching makes me jerk awake.

I look to the shadows seen under the door, they stop momentarily before the door opens.
"sehun?" I whisper almost inaudibly.
"here" he throws a jacket and it lands on my lap.
I look at him "just put it on. I can hear your whimpers from the other room.  You don't need to freeze to death" he says motioning toward the clothing.

Although the sleeves are too long, the zipper won't zip over my stomach.
"thank you" I say snuggling into the jacket before laying back onto the floor.
He then shuts the door quietly and I hear him walk into the other room.

It's 1 in the morning.
As I walk back to the room where my brothers are I decide it is the perfect time to go to Chanyeol and tell him where we are.
I walk quickly out side into the night are and try to remember where Kris said the cabin was..
This way?
No that way? 
I have a mental argument with my self before just walking straight ahead.
As I walk alone in the woods I feel uneasy.
I keep turning around thinking some is there but there isn't.
I sense Chanyeol and lay faintly in the distance.
Where are you? ~
I love you so much~
I will find you. Don't worry babe~
What's that? I recognize the voice that'd echoing in my head.
Chanyeols thoughts are loud as I approach the large cabin.

I hesitantly teleport inside and go in search of Chanyeol.
As I walk through the large empty hall the feeling of being watched remains.
To my luck the first room I reach I see the red haired boy laying on the white bed.

I click the door shut and stand at the end of the bed.
"chanyeol" I whisper.
"chanyeol?" I whisper a little louder.
" come on big ears wake up! This is important" I whisper impatiently.
He shifts in the bed but isn't awake.
I decide to step closer.
"chanyeol" I tap his shoulder.
His eyes open widely and then quickly change to red.
"what the hell are you doing here?" he jumps up before pushing me.
"calm the hell down Yoda. I have to tell you something" I say annoyed.
"what?" he snaps.
"I know where Baekhyun is" the glow in his eyes fades and his grip on my shoulders loosens.
"y-you do?" his deep voice shakes slightly.
"yes. Now I'll show you if you let me go" I shug his hands off of me.

He looks spaced out as I climb to the window.
"are you coming or not?" I glance at him.
"y-yeah" he slips on his shoes and follows me.

We walk quickly into the forest, the moon shines the way as I lead the way.
"you have to go this way and then go a little west from there" I point.
I turn around to see he's stopped walking.
"come on?"
He's staring furiously past me.
I follow his gaze to see Kai and kris standing a few feet in front of me.
"what are you doing sehun?" kris says through his gritted teeth and his eyes pierce me.
"I.. I was telling chanyeol where Baekhyun is.. " I break out of his stare.
"why would you do such a thing?" Kai asks in a voice that sounds like he's talking to a baby.
I roll my eyes at his irritating impression.
"I don't know..  let me think? I know.  Maybe because your trying to kill his child?" I clench my fists.
"it was you?!" chanyeol looks beyond furious with them.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he says teleporting in front of them.
Kris smirks. "I don't know. What the fuck is wrong with you?" he teases as he pushes Chanyeols chest away.
"now if you will excuse us... Sehun we're going" kris stares at chanyeol coldly as he motions me to come with him. "um.. No?" I say confused at why he would even want me with him.
"come on you little brat " kris teleports in front of me and grabs my arm.
"let go" I struggle to get out of his grasp.
"well.. I could say it was nice to see you Chanyeol.. But I would be lying" kris smiles as he pulls me in front if him.
Chanyeols whole existence is rage and the color red in his eyes is something I've never seen. I see fire sparking from the tips of his hair and I can hear the sound of the grass beneath him crackle as it burns.
I know I'm not the one he's pissed at but he's scaring me.

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