Chapter 23

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"we're going to play his game" I look at the others and they are paralyzed with fear.
"what game does he want to play?" Jungkook asks still holding onto kyungsoo.
"I don't know.. But we're about to find out" I can hear child like giggles echoing through the house.
The air feels heavy as I inch closer to the bedroom entrance, with a lot of difficulty I might add because of a certain group of teenage boys that are clinging to me for dear life.
"okay if we're going to get anywhere in this 'game' you guys have to let go of me" I say while struggling to pry hoseoks arm from around mine.

"okay partner up" Jin say before hesitantly stepping to the side of the room.
"jimin and yoongi, hoseok and namjoon, Jungkook you can be with me and taehyung" jin instructs his friends and they link arms.
"there is a first aid kit in my room I'll take lay" kyungsoo says helping lay to his feet.
"what? So I'm alone? I don't get a partner?" I look around.
"he is your boyfriend chanyeol" kyungsoo says as he walks past me into the dark hallway.
"be careful" I say watching them walk slowly down the hall, the only thing that can be heard an response is the sound of their shoes hitting the wooden floor.
"okay all you guys have to do is get baekhyun to change back into himself" I tell the others as they leave.

Lay and I are the first to leave and looking at it now it seems like my room is much further away from his than I initially thought.
With every step I take I begin to feel more and more anxious.
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of baekhyun, just the way he's behaving.
We finally reach the large wooden door to my room and it creaks loudly as I open it.
Its pitch black inside and I can't tell where anything is.
"stay here I'll go get the bandages" I tell lay.
"okay.. "
I take one step in and-
"oh are you looking for these?" the familiar bone chilling voice is heard before red eyes are seen across the room from me.
I take in a sharp breath when eyes suddenly come within inches of mine.
"D-do you h-have the *gulp* bandages?" I ask, feeling his hot breath brush my face, he's so close.
I stare into his eyes and they change into his werewolf eyes. He shines his palms in my face, which hurts do to the lack of time for my eyes to adjust.
"here haha silly" he laughs happily before throwing the box at me.
When I look up he's gone.

I let out a breath I had been holding and turn to lay who looks just as surprised as I am.
I walk over to the window and pull the curtains so the moonlight shines on lay and I can put the bandages on him properly.
"what's going on?" lay asks.
"I.. I don't know" I feel something in baekhyun... I still can't put my finger on it though.

I walk the opposite direction lay and kyungsoo go as Jungkook stays close.
Taehyung is hugging him tightly and jumps everytime our shoes hit the floor. The only light seen is the light shining through the hallway windows.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice the others are coming the up behind my group.
"guys what's the point of splitting up if we're going to just stay in a big group anyway?" I ask namjoon as he and hoseok as they walk up.
"what? We are separate from you guys" hoseok defends.
"sure you guys are just a "separate group" that's only 2 feet behind us" I say sarcastically.
"fine we'll go the other way" namjoon says.
"fine go the-"
"haha you guys are funny" baekhyun says as he stands right next to me.
"oh my god!" taehyung jumps behind namjoon.

"baekhyun.. Uh.. I-its time for you to change back now" I tell him looking into his bright orange-yellow eyes.
"but.. The games not over" he pouts.
He's acting like a child.

"I think the game is over" taehyung says peeking his head out from behind namjoon. Baekhyun looks directly at him and his eyes change red. "i-i mean o-only if you want it to b-be over" taehyung holding his hands up in defense then he hides again.
Baekhyun rolls his bright eyes and then looks at me.
"you guys are still playing" his voice changes.
"okay okay" I nod out of fear.
"what are we playing again? I don't get this game" Jungkook asks and I elbow him. "what?" he yells rubbing his side.
"hide and seek sillies!" baekhyun smiles happily changing back to his werewolf form.

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