Chapter 5

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After the racing of my heart ceased I glanced down the empty hallway once more.
Someone or something wants me near you.
What does that mean?
I looked down at the soiled fabric of my jeans and sighed loudly. I didn't bring a jacket to cover up with or anything so I hoped no one would notice.
Walking down stairs the party is still going strong. "Hey baek, where have you been?" Suho asks his voice strained having to yell over the noise. "I was up stairs its too loud down here" I shook my head.Walking towards the front door someone tugs on my shirt. "Don't go Baek, come on have a drink" Taeyeon is holding herself up by gripping my shoulder. She smells very strongly of alcohol and
I don't really know what to do.
She tries to get me to drink from the cup in her hand but ends up spilling the beer down the front of my shirt. "Oh my bad pfft " she tried not to laugh but only begins laughing loudly. "Uh...I'm going to go.." I mumbled. Her hand drifted from my shoulder to the top button of my shirt. I froze. She suddenly began to unbutton my shirt. "Let me help you" she slurs her words her hand fumbling against my chest.
I grabbed her hand pulling it away from me. Thank god Tiffany comes up, looking concerned. "I'm sorry Baek she can't hold her booze" she grabs taeyeon and struggling she walks her to the kitchen. I walked outside and the cold air feels good. "Hey, Baek" Jackson says as he walks up. I can barely see him. He takes off his black snap back and adjusts his blonde hair before putting it back on.
"Had enough?" he asks. "Yeah it is way too loud and I'm burning up" I answer. "I feel yah man its getting pretty crazy" he says looking toward the house. I nod in response. " and Taeyeon huh?" he raises a brow at me. "W-What?" I stutter. "I could see her all over you from out here" he chuckles.
"No,it's not like that she's just a friend" I assure him and he nods. "Well, someone should tell her that." he smirks ,with this he walks to his car then drives off. I looked around at the other people hanging out by their vehicles, I assume  his boyfriend didn't come to the party. I look up to the night sky and take a deep breath through my nose before deciding to go find my brothers. I push through the grinding partiers and find Luhan and Kyungsoo laughing historically at each other. Who would have thought they were happy drunks. "Come on, guys I want to go home " I say pulling them with me. "Aw Baek I don't want to leave yet!" Kyungsoo whines. I give him a serious look. Both he and Luhan are sweating from the heat in here but seem unaware of how soaked their shirts are. I guess they have more of a tolerance for heat than I do. I walk into the living room and see Suho and xiumin talking with some of our class mates. They look pretty sober. "Guys, can we go?" I ask quietly tapping Suho on the shoulder. Xiumin nods and says goodbye to his friends. They both help me take Kyungsoo andLuhan to the car. "Where's Tao?" I ask looking around,standing on my tiptoes to try and see through the people. "Last time I saw him he was walking to the kitchen" Suho says rubbing the back of his neck trying to remember. I go back inside and find Tao asleep in a kitchen chair. "Wake up" I say hitting his shoulder. "Hey!" he whines rubbing his arm. "We are leaving, and unless you want to be left here I suggest coming with me" I watch as he rubs his eyes then looks around he must have forgot we were at a Party.
I almost fell asleep during the ride home, my eye lids feeling heavy I leaned against the window.
You're not as innocent as I thought
I sit up quickly and try to pull my shirt over my lap. "You okay Baek?" Luhan asks looking concerned. He must have sobered up a little. "Yeah... I'm fine" I fake a smile. He nods and leans his head on the shoulder of a sleeping Kyungsoo.
The next morning I went downstairs to see mom cooking breakfast. Its very unusual to see her cooking, usually kyungsoo cooks. I set the table and wait for the rest of the family to come down.
"So boys how was the party?" My mom smiles as she's putting the food on a plate. "It was fun" kyungsoo smiles
"Right baek?" He nudged me. "Oh-uh yeah!" I say louder than I meant to. My mom raises an eyebrow at this. "Is there something your hiding from me?" She takes her seat and stares at us. I'm not about to tell my mother that I had my first sexual experience with my vampire stalker. "No" I simply say hoping she'll leave the situation at that. "Okay.." She says unconvinced.
After breakfast I go to my room and get changed. I'm buttoning my shirt when I hear a knock at my door. "Come in" I turn around to see kyungsoo. "Can I talk to you?" "Yeah"
We walk out to the front steps and I sit on the steps.
"What's up?" I look up at him. "Baek have you came in contact with those vampires again?" Oh crap he knows! "Uh-" "I'm asking because last night I thought I could smell one on you... Maybe I was mistaken". He looks at me wanting me to tell him what he mostly already knows.
"I'm so confused!!" I yell catching kyungsoo off guard causing him to jump. "About what?!" He also yells in defense. "If I tell you.. You can't judge me" I give him a serious look. "I won't?" "Pinky promise" I hold up my pinky and he hooks his around it "pinky promise"
He sits next to me with a concerned look. "What if.. What if I saw Chanyeol last night .. But he didn't try to kill me" he's still looking at me. "He.. " I motioned kyungsoo to come closer and I whispered what happened in his ear. His jaw was touching the ground in shock.
"Baek why would I judge you if he held you down! And-" he stopped then turned to me. "Wait don't tell me you liked it!?" "Shhh!" I cover his mouth. "No of course not..I mean ..I don't know" I cover my face.
"He asked me if I had my first kiss yet" I whisper. "And something inside me wanted him to give it to me" I peek through my hands at kyungsoo. "I Know its unheard of and I shouldn't be thinking this" I mentally slap my self.
Vampires are our enemies. It was because of chanyeol and his family that dad is dead. I don't know what's suddenly making me feel this way.
"Baek" I turn to him "it sounds to me like you are really confused and I don't blame you .. When something like that happens to you it's hard not to think of the person responsible differently"
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit turned on when that boy was trying to get my shirt off that night" I stifle a laugh. "But you know what they have done to this family" I nod in understanding.
"But if he is who you like.. Or don't like I suppose that is something we will talk about when the time comes" with this he gets up and walks back inside.
Has anyone taken your first kiss?
His words are echoing in my head, I touch my lips.. He was so close to them.
Get it together baekhyun!

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