Chapter 4

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I almost fell off the bed when Chanyeol spoke. I quickly pulled my knees to my chest and he eyed my movements. "What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" I looked and his eyes weren't red they were a normal dark brown. He walked over and sat closer but I moved farther away until my back hit the head board. "No one was at the front door to tell me not to come in and teleportation". He said this as if I should've known. He watched me but didn't speak. I guess he's not the kind of vampire you have to invite in. Times really have changed. "L-leave" I stuttered. I'm trying to have some courage and put strength into my voice but as I look up at Chanyeol, that first meeting with him flashes into my mind. That same night my father died.
He grinned and put his hand on the toe of my shoe. As I smacked his hand away he grabbed my wrist. "You know I thought you would be scarier coming from such a well known family" I tried to pull out of his grip but failed. "And stronger" he teased. "Shut up" I growled. He rolled his eyes lightly before he climbed onto the bed. He inches closer, his leg against mine.
"Get out or I'll-"
"You'll what? Try to fight me again?" he found this humorous. "Now, I don't think that's a very good idea. Is it little puppy?" he said as he grabbed my other wrist.
"Let go" I kicked him but it didn't seem to affect him. Tell me puppy.. Do you always cry your self to sleep?"
I froze.
Was he in my room?
"Your mother seems to do it quite often" he whispered. I remembered that he was controlling my mother when she went off on me about my father. And I became angry at the memories.
"Get off now! I'm warning you!" I yelled. "Scream all you want but no one can hear you" he smirked. His hands are like ice and his grip is hurting me.
I was snapped out of thought when he pulled my face toward his. "Tell me puppy, has anyone taken your first kiss?" he asked as he looked at my lips inching his face closer to mine. All that's between us is my knees, still close to my chest. His eyes stare into mine, reflecting my look of discomfort.
"no" I choked out a whisper.
Why the hell did I say that?
He let go of my wrist and then pushed me down onto the bed. He pinned my arms down with an unseen force and shifted his knees straddling them right below my waist to keep his balance. I desperately want to run from him as he puts my hands above my head and looks down at me.
I avoid eye contact with him as he stares at my face. The tingling in my stomach making me squirm. He leans his head down into the crook of my neck and deeply inhales my sent.
"Your innocence is intoxicating" he licked right below my ear sending a shiver down my spine.
"Ah" the noise came out of my mouth involuntary.
II looked at his eyes and they were now glowing bright red. My heart is pounding in my ears. Feeling the sweat trickle down my neck I breath out slowly, trying not to panic.
He sits on my thighs and I can only watch as he unbuttons my jeans. "Stop." I say and he snaps his head up to look at me.
My face is burning, I can only imagine Its red up to my ears.
My rage is starting to take over. I try to change forms to push him off but my powers aren't working.
What's going on?
I would howl for my brothers but I doubt they would hear over the music downstairs. They're probably too intoxicated to care right now.
Chanyeol begins leaving pecks on my neck, and moves up to my collar bone. He smirks at me before I feel him sucking the skin. I squeeze my eyes shut and a moan escapes my vocals. "Do you still want me to stop?" he grinned against my skin. His voice laced with mischief.
"Y-yes" I clutch the comforter on the bed. He continues sucking on my skin and starts to palm me through my jeans. "Shit" I whispered as my head rolled back.
Get it together!
Don't let him do this!
But it... feels so good.
"I might have been mistaken.. You might not be as innocent as you look" he smirks as he continues pressing down faster. He watches in amusement as I reach my climax. Gasping for breath my body shudders.
Suddenly the grip on my body is released and I can move again.
He stood from the bed and walked over to the night stand next to me. "That was quick huh? If you didn't like that then your body betrayed you" he chuckled lowly.
I narrow my eyes at him "Get out!" I yell and he seems slightly surprised at my sudden out bust. His eyes widen for a moment but the he resumes his blank expression.
"Oh, come on Baekhyun. I just helped you take the first step toward not being a complete prude" he rolled his eyes.
I scoffed at his statement.
Is he serious?!
He just assaulted me and he is saying he was helping me?!
I guess my outraged expression is giving my thoughts away and after observing this he continues talking. "Tell me, do you know how many girls have a crush on you?"
"No? You wouldn't would you? Well let me tell you it runs farther than just your rich kid school.. Girls in my school talk about the amazing werewolf boy all day" he hasn't looked up from the light of a lamp that he's staring at.

"But you don't accept their love or even notice it.. Tell me.." He turned to look in my eyes.  "Are you.. Gay?"
I stared at him with wide eyes as he stepped closer.
But that's none of his business.
Silence lingered between us and all that was heard was the booming music from below.
"I could take your long pause as a yes"
My heart is racing. His hand slowly comes up to touch my cheek. "You're burning me" he says softly. In the mirror on the wall behind him I see my bright blushing face. My cheeks are red and my eyes are glowing with white orange.
I turn my eyes away from him.
"I don't know what's happening.. " he looks as if he is confused suddenly. Deep in thought. "Since I met you I haven't been able to see any other guy but you." I look at him and he removes his hand.
"It's strange.. I find my self on the lawn of your estate in the middle of the night but I didn't go voluntarily." I scowl at this.
"So, your saying your stalking me but its not your fault?"
He's full of shit. 
"No it's just I think someone or something wants me near you" he turns and walks towards the door. "But, I can feel the hate and unwelcome radiating from you so I will leave" he opens the door and walks out.
I run to the door and look down the hall. He disappeared.

What is he trying to say?

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