Chapter 12

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It is finally December and tomorrow is the day of the big showcase and kyungsoo and I have been working our butts off to get this song right and practiced.
After I finish practicing with kyungsoo I go up to my room. Chanyeol is sitting in my bed.. Not surprising. I give him a smile as I walk in the room and he smiles back. I sit next to him and he gives me a look. "what?" I ask. "are you okay? You've seemed stressed" he says observing my facial expressions. "I'm fine" I simply reply. He gives me a skeptical look. "come on.. Tell me" he says taking my hand. "it's just... School stuff" I say hoping he'll drop it. I would tell him I'm singing in the showcase but I'm already nervous enough and as much as I would like him to come I'm embarrassed for him to watch me.
He opens his mouth to argue but them closes it and squeezes my had lightly. "okay" he says and kisses the top of my hand. "well although I would like to stay longer my puppy I must go. My brothers are expecting me" he gives me a quick peck on the lips "goodnight" he whispers in my ear and then vanishes.
I lay back on my bed and let out a huge sigh.

I don't know what Baekhyun is hiding from me but I want to find out.
As I appear at my lonely home I see the lights are on and I smile to myself.
"aye chanyeol!" Kai smiles at me as I wall in. "hey we've been waiting where were you? With your boyfriend?" Sehun teases making kissing noises. "so what if I was" I say ruffling his hair. "hey not the hair!" he whines making us laugh.
We all take a seat on the large gray couch and start a video game. As we play and laugh and tease each other I can't help but feel so much earth and happiness. It feels like it used to in this house.
After a couple of hours of playing we decide to go out for pizza.
As we walk in the cold it doesn't really bother us because our body temperature is naturally low so it isn't a big change for us. I'm actually comfortable walking in the cold. "so have you guys heard of this winter showcase thing going on?" Lay asks. "what? No what is it?" Chen asks and we all turn to Lay. "I heard from some girls at school that there is going to be a winter showcase at Wonder Academy" he answers. "Wonder Academy? Isn't that the fancy shmancy school those flea bags go to" Kris says. "tsk" I glare at his remark.
"yes" lay says. "who the hell wants to go to that?" Sehun asks as we walk into a small pizza shop with frost visible on the windows. "apparently a lot of the girls at school" he says.
Maybe that's what Baekhyun is stressed about. Maybe he's working on something like a booth or room for games or something. "chanyeol" Kris's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "yeah?" "what do you want?" "just pepperoni"
After we get our food we sit a a booth in the empty shop.
"But anyway I heard that those puppies are supposed to be singing"
I almost choke in my pizza. "singing?" I ask. They all give me a questioning look at my reaction. "yeah?"
Baekhyun singing. That's hard for me to believe he seems too shy to do something as public as singing in a showcase.
After we finish eating we head back to our house. Its almost 12 am when I decide to go to bed which seems early compared to when I usually go to bed. Laying in the dark I am still thinking about what Lay said earlier. Why didn't he tell me? Should I go? I want to but I don't want him to get mad at me. I might go.. I will have to figure out a way to not be seen by his brothers so we don't cause a big scene in front of the whole town.

I soon drift to sleep, I think because all of my brothers are finally spending a night in the house, I'm not alone and it makes it easier for me to fall asleep.

Today is the Showcase and we have to be at school early in the morning instead of at night. The school has a festival while the showcase is taking place so I have to help set up food booths and game rooms.
When we arrive at school the "WONDER ACADEMY" banner is already hanging up and some booths are set up but haven't gotten any food in them yet. "so baek can you help me nail this up?" Tiffany asks me and I nod. "I'll see you later" I tell Kyungsoo and he smiles.
I spend most of the morning using back and forth getting things for people and getting costumes for the haunted house part of the school. "this is pretty cool" I say handing the costume and makeup to namjoon "yeah you should come later we'll give you a good scare" he laughs.

Finally its 12:00 and the event starts.
"Welcome to the Wonder Academy Winter Festival and Showcase" I hear the principal say over the announcing system.
I walk to the auditorium and I'm in awe at the change in the stage and the lights. It looks great.
I take a program handout and see that Kyungsoo and I go on at 1.
When I get back stage I see Kyungsoo. "hey we still have a while until we go in do you want to go and see the festival?" I can tell he's nervous from his shaky voice and he wants to distract him self so I agree.
We walk out of a side door and see the colorful booths lining the school campus and the sea of people. "let's get some ice cream!" he smiles. We walk up to a pink booth and ask for two ice creams. As we're waiting our mom walks up to us wearing a knee length blue dress and he hair is curled loosely. She looks livelier than she has since dad died. It warms my heart at the sight of her. "hey mom" I smile. "hey boys! I love all of these decorations, simply gorgeous! " she. Says looking around. "I know it's really nice" Kyungsoo says handing me an ice cream.
"so when do my babies go on?" she asks putting her hands on our shoulders. "we go on at 1" kyungsoo says. While we talk I see someone in the distance. I Squint my eyes and it looks like chanyeol. I turn to my mom and then when I look for him again he's gone. Maybe I was seeing things.
"Baekhyun honey are you alright?" my mom asks "y-yeah " I say still looking past her. "where are your brothers?" she asks. "they are working somewhere around here"kyungsoo says looking. We see Suho leading people inside the school where they have a restaurant set up. We walk in and see Luhan, Xiumin and Tao in waiters uniforms. "Aww my handsome men" my mom says smiling at them.
We take a seat and Luhan gets our order.
We eat and by the time we finish its almost time for us to preform. "well mom we have to go get ready"Kyungsoo says pulling my sleeve. "okay boys I'll be in the audience" "us too" luhan says untying his apron. "really?" I say surprised. "of course" he nods.

Kyungsoo and I basically run to the back stage door and change into our stage clothes. "should I do eyeliner or no eyeliner?" I ask fixing my hair. "eyeliner, go big or go home" he says.
We take our mics and I try to get my hand to stop shaking. "take a breath" he says.
I take a deep breath and we get the que to go on stage. The music starts and the crowd roars with excitement.

Baekhyun almost saw me earlier but I quickly hid in the auditorium. I feel over dressed but I didn't know what to wear to something like this.
I was handed a program and I took my seat in the back. They go on soon so I wait patiently.
After a while I see Baekhyun and Kyungsoo walk out on stage. To my surprise in the beginning of the song Kyungsoo speaks in English. Then Baekhyun starts to sing.

His voice is so strong and beautiful

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His voice is so strong and beautiful. I'm in shock at what I'm witnessing. He looks so confident and kyungsoos voice goes very well with his.
He looks so handsome and the lyrics are amazing. I wonder if they wrote this song?
There are high notes and I can't help but smile at the crowds reaction to them. I never want this to end. I'm in a trance with the beautiful notes. Yeah screaming girls.. That's my boyfriend.

After the song is over they get a standing ovation and I clap and cheer loudly with the crowd. I can't believe baekhyun can sing.

I quickly walk out and make sure I wasn't seen by anyone.
I want to run and hug baekhyun and tell him how proud and amazed I am but I can't. There are too many potential enemies in this school.
I will get him some flowers and leave them in his room.
I buy a dozen roses and write a note. "your voice is amazing"-chanyeol
I smile to myself as I leave his room remembering his performance.
I will always remember it.

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