Chapter 28

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I feel like its getting hard to take in a  breath as chanyeol runs out of the building holding me tightly in his strong arms.
I could hear his unsteady sigh as I felt the night air on my skin.

"hang on baby, were going to get help" chanyeols deep voice cracked as he pulled me closer to his face.
He kissed my cheek before we teleport.

My body... Is numb.. Is he still holding me?

I can see everyone swarm around us as I'm laid onto a gurney.
They ask me questions but.. I can't answer..

I Feel warm.

I don't hurt anymore.

"he's hurt so badly" a sad voice echo's loudly.
What? No I'm not. I'm fine see?
I try to touch chanyeols face but he just stares past me with a petrified aura surrounding him as he watches the doctor intently.

"babe what's wrong?" I ask but he doesn't answer.
"there isn't a heartbeat" I turn around to see myself laying on the ultrasound table. Sudden shock takes over my body, I look at my weak pale body that's expression is blank, how can I stand here when I'm also laying right there? 

W-whats going on?
"W-what?" I hear chanyeol question from behind me.
"I'm sorry but the baby doesn't have a heart beat"
I spin around to chanyeol who is in such distress he physically is unable to move.
"come on! Wake up!" I shake myself.
"hurry up! The baby needs you damnit!" I hit my chest. My voice is non existent.

"wake.. Wake up.." I feel tears forming in my eyes as I look at the heartbreaking scene in front if me that I have no control over.
"nurse!" the doctor yells loudly. I cover my ears from the noise as people pile into the small room.
Yes! Help me!
I stand next to a nurse as she puts the defibrillator pads on my lifeless bare chest. 
Come on!
"clear!" I feel a stinging sensation deep in my being.
Everything is becoming louder.
"come on man stay with us!" a nurse puts oxygen over my face.
As if time stopped.

As if I wasn't in control of my soul.

I walked over to the table and laid down into my body.

"we got a faint beat!" I hear the doctor proclaim.
The pain surges through my whole body as I can feel everything vividly again.
I want chanyeol.
I want him to hold my hand and tell me everything is okay.
I'm rolled down a blinding hall into another room.
" He needs a blood transfusion ready for after,  but now we have to prep him for surgery".
I feel a cold liquid being wiped across my stomach.
Isn't it too early to have the baby?
What's happening?
I try to speak but my words won't come out.
"cesarean section, Count back from 10" a nurse puts a mask connected to an anesthesia tank onto my mouth and nose.

I look up at her with wide scared eyes and she gives me an unreadable expression and a slight nod.

As I sit in the waiting room, I feel like I'm somewhere else.

Somewhere, everyone got along... Somewhere, bad things didn't happen to good people.. Somewhere, where nothing went wrong..

Sadly reality isn't always so merciful.
Sadly reality likes to wait until your down and then kick the shit out of you to make sure you stay down.
I've listened to the same terrible music in this waiting room for the past two hours,  waiting here in the silence between sehun and I  makes me feel like I might die of  insanity.

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