Chapter 22

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It's been a week since my night with chanyeol and as I lay with his arms around me I can feel his sleeping breaths brush my cheek.
Although it's pitch black in the room, as I stare at chanyeols face in front of mine I can still see his red hair.
I run my hand through it and he pulls me closer by my waist which he is firmly wrapped around.
I lay my face near his chest and sleep next to him.

The next morning I am woken up by
A splitting head ache. I glance beside me and chanyeol is already gone down stairs.
I can feel my head throbbing as I dizzily hop towards the bathroom.
I look at my reflection and I look like my other form, the red-brown hair, the chocolate brown eyes.
I rub my eyes and the image is gone.
I grip the sink counter and stare at the mirror.

Splashing water on my face I look up again to see a different image of myself.
My eyes are glowing a bloody red color, my hair is jet black and the smile on my face is dark and sinister.
My heart pounds as I as I touch the mirror.
"they're coming " the reflection says in an unnerving voice that sent chills though my body.
Too frightened to respond I quickly squeeze my eyes closed. When I open my eyes my reflection is normal.
"what was that?" I whisper, touching my tired face as shaky breaths leave my lungs.

"what's what? " I almost fall to the floor when chanyeol speaks.
"jesus Christ you scared the hell out of me!" I yell holding my heart.
" sorry, I was just coming to see if you were up yet" he shrugs. "I would've woke you but you looked too adorable sleeping so I left you.. but... Are you okay? You look terrified" he stares at my face and I try to control my racing heart.
"it's nothing I'm fine" I fake a smile and hop to the dresser to get a change of clothes.
"okay?" he says unconvinced.
As I'm pulling a clean shirt over my head chanyeol is suddenly right in front of me. I jump in surprise and look up at him.
"see you're really jumpy today . Tell me why?"
He sits next to me on the bed.
"it's really nothing important.. I'm okay" I hesitate before saying the last part.
Chanyeol brushes his hand over my cheek and opens his mouth to argue but shuts it immediately. "what ever it is you can tell me" he then quietly leaves the room.
Sitting alone in the room I stare at the blazing fire place with the images of myself still replaying in my mind.

Hopping down to the living room I am beginning to get frustrated with my crutches when the rubber piece on the bottom of one keeps falling off.
I've struggled enough and decide to just sit in the stairs, I let out a sigh of annoyance and I notice lay looking up at me from the living room.
"you okay?" he asks before making his way to me.
"no this damn thing is pissing me off" I point at the crutch lying on the stair case.
With out saying anything lay sits a step below me and puts his hands on my caste.
"what are you-"
"shhh " he holds his hand up to stop me.
He closes his eyes and a golden light can be seen beneath his hands. The light glows on his concentrating face as he remains silent.
After a moment "Kyungsoo" I hear him call.

Kyungsoo comes walking up the stairs with a concerned expression.
"what happened are you okay baek? Did you fall?" he asks grabbing my hand. I give him a confused look and turn to lay whose eyes are still closed.
"break it" lay says plainly.
"what? Break what?" kyungsoos eyes widened.
"the caste"
"why? Isn't his leg broken?"
"not anymore"
Kyungsoo then turns to me and I give a slight nod before his strong hands grip the caste.
With in seconds the white hard surface begins to crumble beneath his fingers.
When the caste is nothing but dust left on the wooden stairs I turn to lay.
"the bone was healed enough for me to help you" he smiles, his deep dimples showing happily.
He and kyungsoo help me up and I limp slightly while leaning on them for support.
At the bottom I walk with a slight limp around the room. "I can walk!" I smile.
"yes but it will take at least a week to get back to normal" lay adds.

Chanyeol comes out of the kitchen and his eyes stop on me.
"better" I reply to his wide eyed stare.
He walks quickly to me and picks me up in a tight hug.
"I'm so happy your better!" his deep voice echo's loudly through the room.
"except I'm still human" I say as he puts me back on my feet.
His smile falls slightly before returning "I'll take what I can get".

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