Chapter 20

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The next day we woke early and a different nurse came into the room.
"sir I'm here to assist you in bathing" Baek looked at her then to me.
"o-okay" he responded nervously. She wrapped his caste so no water would get inside and helped him to the bathroom. I heard the water start running and baek asking shyly for help into the tub.
"are you making sure she doesn't try anything or are you just listening to him bathe?" kyungsoo asks giving me a teasing look as I stood outside the door.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad jealous of the nurse.
After what seemed like an eternity the nurse stepped out of the bathroom leaving baek to change as she took his dirty clothes and left the room.
I could hear him cursing under his breath as he struggled to get dressed.
"Baek do you want help?" I asked from the other side of the door.
"no I got it" he said, frustration evident in his voice.
When he came out he was wearing clean hospital pajamas and his black hair dripped slightly.
He avoided looking at us as he dried his hair with a towel.
He put on one of his shoes and put the other in a bag kyungsoo brought.

We all helped Baek down to the front entrance of the hospital.
I figured that if there were more people than just me making sure he didn't fall he wouldn't get hurt.
As we stood at the entrance the sun was not yet up and in the freezing morning air Baek wrapped a blanket tightly around himself.
"So where are we going? I mean we can't go to my house" I say. "or yours" Lay says looking at kyungsoo.
"well we do have a cabin somewhere in the woods. I've only been there once but I'm sure we can find it" kyungsoo nods.
"But we can't show up there looking like this" he says as he looks us up and down.
"why not?" Lay asks.
"Because I've been told that there are security there and they will arrest us on sight if we show up looking like we've been sleeping outside for a week"

"so we need dress clothes?" Baek asks gripping his crutches.
"yes.. But we can't go to get ours because the whole damn werewolf world is sitting in our living room waiting to rip off our faces" kyungsoo says
"wait why are they going to rip off our faces?" Baek asks searching my face for an answer.
"xiumin found out about you two and flipped shit then he told the whole family" kyungsoo replied simply.
"it didn't go well" I added.
"what?!" Baekhyun looked at us his eyes wide.

"so how is me getting my powers back going to help us against my whole family?" Baek asks
"oh our family is also involved" Lay adds and I punch him in the side. "ow what was that for?" he wines.
"can't you see your freaking him out?" I say motioning my eyes toward baekhyun.
"oh sorry" lay says sitting on a bench near us.
"I know!" lay says jumping up with an idea.
"I know we have suits in our house"
"yeah but aren't your brothers there? They will see us?" Kyungsoo asks furrowing his brows.
"Not if we teleport in to the room and then quickly leave" Lay says with a grin.
"okay so let's go" kyungsoo says grabbing baek.
"I think he should stay here. If we got caught he wouldn't be able to fight or run away" Lay says looking at baekhyun who is shivering from the cold.

"I'll stay with him" I say looking at baek. He looks up at me then looks away.

"we'll be back soon" Lay says taking Kyungsoos hand before disappearing.

"let's sit down" Baek says as he hops over to a bench.
He almost losses his balance and when I out my hands into catch him he put his hand up. "I got it"
"are you still cold?" I ask as he stares at the pavement.
He shakes his head but I can see his nose turning pink and his breath shaky in the air. I think he's mad at me so I ruffle his damp hair and he looks up at me surprised.
We sit in silence.

In the blink of an eye we are standing in Lays room.
"here" he whispers pulling a couple of suits from the closet.
Suddenly we hear talking coming from outside the door and lay pulls me into the closet with him and cracks the door enough to see.
He holds me behind him ready to pounce on anyone that tries to open the door.

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