Chapter 10

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TIME SKIP (1 month)
This last month has been filled with goodnight kisses and secret meetings between chanyeol and I.

But I have been struggling to mask the sent of chanyeol from my family. I've had many close calls with my brothers almost noticing and Kyungsoo comes and saves me.. I'm Thankful that he, although he doesn't like chanyeol he still supports my decision for making him my mate.

Its almost time for night school and I'm putting my uniform on when luan knocks on my door.
"hey baek can I talk to you" he says while entering. "sure?" I say buttoning my jacket.
"we need to decide on something for the school showcase" he says pulling out sheet music. "oh yeah I forgot about that.. And I still have to help taeyeon with our potion " I sigh.

"what's wrong?" he asks looking concerned. "its... Nothing I'm just thinking about a lot" I say picking up my school bag.
"uh.. Okay? " he says walking toward the door.

"and one more thing.. Your a bad liar" he says turning around giving me a look.

"what?" My eyes dart to him.
"come on baek you know you suck at lying what's really going on?" he crosses his arms.
"I.. I can't tell you" "tsk baek. I'm your brother. And we never talk anymore.. Like we used to" he looks at the floor.

"I know... But.. I can't  tell you"

Luhan decided he doesn't want to be in the show case with kyungsoo and I.

When I arrive at school I find a note has been slipped into my locker.
I smile to myself as I read it "during your break let's meet in the garden"-chanyeol.
I put the note in my pocket and head to class.

In class we continue working on our projects. Taeyeon asks if we can go to the potion class to get ingredients.
The class is dark with bottles for different colored liquids lining shelves. "so what potion are we making?" I ask looking around.
"I thought we could make a potion that turns you invisible!" she says excitedly. She picks bottles and starts pouring them into the Calderon. The smoke emitted is orange but then she adds a drop of a purple bottle and some more items and the color changes to pink. "you know how to make an invisibility potion?" I ask looking at the glowing pink caldron. "I haven't made one before but I think I know what I am doing" she smiles while string it.

After adding a few more things "okay I think its done" she says pouring it into a small bottle. "here try it" she hands it to me. "is it safe?" I ask smelling the glowing liquid.
"yeah I didn't put anything poisonous in it" she laughs. "I don't know.. "
"fine I'll do it"she says taking a sip.

I watch as her expression changes.

"are you okay? Your not invisible?" I step toward her. "your so cute" she says biting her lip. "what?" " I said I think your hot" she grabs my tie. "uh.. Taeyeon" "hmmm?" the lust is evident in her eyes.

"I'm gonna go"I say looking toward the door, but I hear the door lock with out her moving. "okay I think our project will be okay until tomorrow"I pull her hands off of my jacket. While I was prying her hands from me the note fell put of my of pocket. She picked it up before I could. "who's chanyeol?" she glares.

"uh.. " I try to run for the door but I feel my feet stop. "I don't think so" she laughs. I reach for the door knob but I'm only inches away. Taeyeon confidently steps in front of me. "your leaving so soon?" she grabs my tie again. I look up toward the ceiling, pulling my face up,  trying to avoid what's happening. She suddenly trails her tongue up my neck. "stop" I push her by her shoulders. "but why?" I try to pull away from her but she has a death grip on me. When did she get so strong?

She pulls me closer and presses her lips to  mine. "mm no! " I push her again. She don't seem to be fazed.

"Im gay"I say looking straight into her eyes. "so?" she smiles snaking her hands up my shirt, kissing me again. "get off!" I yell snapping her back to reality.

I see the softness return to her eyes and she looks really confused.
"what happened?" she steps back from me.

She wasn't in control of her actions to my knowledge, but it still filled me with anger that someone kissed me other than chanyeol. I ignore her question and walk out coldly.
As I walk down the hall I bump into suho knocking his book out of his hand.
"I'm sorry" I mumble, rushing down the hall with out stopping.

I can't wait to see baekhyun! I bet he looks so handsome in his uniform.
I smile myself as I sneak onto his campus. Luckily I came while everyone was in class or someone would have saw me walking to the garden.
The garden has large hedges filled with pink and red roses and there is a white gazebo in the middle of the lawn.
I decide to wait for baekhyun in the gazebo.

While I'm sitting patiently I hear a muffled talking. I get up and try to figure out what the sound is.

As I walk toward the building I find out the talking is coming from a class room. I look through the window and see baekhyun. He's in what looks like a potions room with a small blonde girl. I smile as I watch him look at the potions she's making, I find his curiosity adorable. I guess they have witches at this school. I decide to pick a rose for him but when I walk back to the window, what I see makes the rose turn to ashes.

I see the girl grab baekhyun by his tie and pull him closer to her. She leans up and kisses him. As I watch I feel my anger boiling up.

I loose control of myself for a second and punch the side of the building, pain shoots through my arm causing my knuckles to immediately start to bleed and swell.

I look again and this time when she kisses him she looks at me and smiles fiendishly
The grass where I'm standing is burnt.
I ball my fists and walk back to the gazebo leaving burnt footprints behind.

I try to calm down so I don't burn down this whole school.

How could he?

Walking outside I feel the cool air.
I walk into the garden and see chanyeol sitting in the gazebo facing away from me. "hey have you been waiting long?" I ask sitting next to him, but he stands and walks away.

I look down and see blood dripping from his hand. "are you hurt?" I ask grabbing his hand but he pulls harshly away from me.
I try to look at his face His dark expression is intimidating.

"what's wrong?" I ask. "what do you think?" he glares, annoyance evident in his deep voice. I don't understand his attitude. "what do you mean?" I try to grab his sleeve as he turns away. "let me help you, your bleeding" I try to reach for him again-

"oh now you care?!" he suddenly raises his voice,  making me jump.

"what do you mean of course I care your my boyfriend I want to help you" he once again gives me a harsh look.

"do you think I'm an idiot?" he is holding back his rage as his glare pierces at me.
"no... I don't think your an idiot?  What's wrong with you?"
"what's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"what?" I'm so confused.

"I saw you kissing her" he balls his fists at his sides. "oh that-"
"you know I thought you were different" he looks away from me.
"i-_I am"

"actually I don't want to hear it" he snaps.

"but babe-" I try to grab his hand but again he pulls away.

"I don't want to see you now baekhyun. " his cold words stab me and I feel tears form in my eyes.

"wait!" I grip his jacket tightly. He tries to pull away but I refuse to let go.

"now I don't know what you saw but that's not what happened!" a tear escapes as I look up at him. His eyes soften a little but remain cold.
"what do you mean I saw you kiss someone else!"
"she kissed me!"
"more than once" he added refusing to face me.
"I told her to get off! She kissed me Chanyeol! " the tears that are falling are out of frustration are this point.

He won't believe me.

"do you really think I'd kiss someone other than you? I mean if their kiss doesn't make me feel like my boyfriends kiss does what's the point?" this makes him look at me.

"what?" he turns to me. With this I grab his jacket to stand on my tiptoes to press my lips to his.
He puts his hand on my back to stabilize me.
"I wouldn't do that to you" I whisper hugging Him tightly.

He hugs me back and I think he believes this.

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