Chapter 7

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After a week of continuous thought I decide to give Chanyeol a chance. Kyungsoo wasn't exactly happy but he understands that I need to at least go on one date with Chanyeol if he actually is my.. Mate. Even the thought makes me blush like crazy.
"when are you going to see him again?" Kyungsoo asks sitting in my bed. "He came to me last night and said he would take me somewhere tonight.. " I say as I pull out shirts from my closet and throw them on my bed. "you know you only go throwing clothes when you like someone. I mean I remember everytime you would have a crush it would take you hours to get dressed " he laughed. "shut up.. I don't have a crush" I say in defense. "sure" he says unconvinced. I roll my eyes and continue to look at clothes, I decide to wear black button up and skinny jeans.
Its 7:00 Chanyeol wants me to meet him at 7:30. As the time comes closer I feel like I'm going to have a anxiety attack. "calm down" Kyungsoo says as he put a a hand on my shoulder. "your making me nervous too" he laughs.
I grab my wallet and jacket and head toward the door. Kyungsoo distracts the family while I quickly slip out. "remember just say no! And call me if you need me" he whispers and I nod.
Once I'm outside I feel much better in the cold air. I already feel a drop of sweat on my neck. Great.
I walk into town and see chanyeol standing in the same place he was in last time. I walk up to him dressed in a suit and I suddenly feel under dressed. Looking at him he looks very handsome with his hair combed slightly back, he could be a model.
He suddenly starts to laugh. I give him a questioning look. "A model huh? "
Oh god he heard my thoughts. "S-sorry" I blush.

"Its fine. I think you look perfect" he smiles.
His is a smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
"Are you ready to go?" he asks turning around. I nod and follow.
We walk for a while and I feel like we're never going to get to where ever he's taking me. I look up to the sky and its cloudy.
"We're here" he says and I run into him before I can stop. He grins and opens the door to the nice restaurant. I go in first and am stunned by the beauty of the place. "I have a reservation under Park" he tells the hostess and she tells the waiter to seat us.
The small two person table is near the wall. The table has a velvet table cloth and the walls are lined with small white lights. There is a single candle in the middle of the table and in the far corner is a shiny black grand piano.
"May I take your drink order?" our waiter a older man asks. "I will have water"Chanyeol says. "I'll have the same" I nod.
After the waiter leaves its suddenly awkward.
"So.. This is a nice place. Have you been here before?" I ask to break the silence. "do you mean have I brought other guys here?" "No I meant just in general" "I have been here one other time. I brought my mother here a few years ago" he says looking at the menu.
My mother would love this place it is just like somewhere dad would take her, as I admire everything it takes me back to when he was still with us.
"Do you still despise me?" he asks looking up. The question caught me off guard. "I wouldn't say I despise you.... Its complicated" I scratch the back of my neck. "Your family does"
"I know.. "
Shortly after we order and proceed in talking. ".. Do you really think I could be your mate?" I want to hide my face. "I.. Im not sure "
"Is that the only reason you agreed to go on this date?" his expression is serious. "No- well kinda... That's the reason and also I wanted to". This makes him smile.
While we eat chanyeol tells me about how his mother died from cancer and his father is never around any more. Its basically like he's lost both of his parents.
"Im okay though.. Please don't look sad" I can tell he's hurting as he told me those things but he's putting in a brave face.
"my mother was the glue of my family.. After she passed we all drifted apart. I mean I see my brothers maybe 3 or 4 times a week. I usually am home alone or I stay with.. People" he coughs awkwardly.
Hearing about his life makes me feel like spoiled rich kid and I think I misjudged him.
"Don't think that.. You should be thankful that your not like me.. That your family actually wants to see each other everyday".
He gives a smile but I'm the one who feels like crying. "oh great now I've depressed you." he says standing. "come.. I want to take you somewhere else".
He pays and we walk outside into the cold night air. I take a deep breath and smile to my self.
I always feel better when I go outside.
As we walk the wind begins to blow and chanyeol stands in front of me to block it from me.
We reach a park and sit on a bench at the top of a hill.
"I like to come here a lot and look at the stars the view from up here is amazing!" he smiles as he looks up.
"But I wish the clouds weren't in our way"he frowns.
"its okay.. Its still a nice thought"
As the wind gets harder I unconsciously scooted closer to chanyeol. "are you cold?" he asks and I move away quickly. "I'm sorry I didnt mean to do that" I turn my face away from him. "you get flustered so easily" he chuckles.
He places his hand under my chin to turn my face back to him. I bet I'm glowing I'm blushing so hard. "your burning me" he smirks.
"y-you say that alot"
"Because when you have fire inside of you its hard to find someone that has that same light with in them.. You are the first one I've found"
How can he say such nice sweet things so casually?

I feel rain drops.
I look up and it starts raining harder.
"ah i think we should go" he says nervously.
I put my hood on and walk toward the park entrance. A sudden clap of thunder and lightning makes me jump. "woah that was loud-" when I turn chanyeol isn't beside me.
I look around and don't see him.
"what tha - did he leave me?"
I take out my flash light on my phone and look around.
The rain is pouring hard and the thunder is deafening.
"Im really cold. Who does he think he is leaving me and-"
A rustling sound makes me stop in my tracks.
I stand still and hear it again. Its coming from the small play house in the middle of the park.
I walk cautiously to the small structure and carefully open the door.
When I open the door Im confused and shocked at the same time.
Chanyeol is sitting on the concrete floor of the play house with his head on his knees to where I can't see his eyes and his hands over his ears.
"ch-chany-" another clap of thunder shakes the air and I see him jump and hold his hands tighter over his ears.
Is he afraid of thunder?
I slowly bend down and sit next to him water dripping off of me.
He shakes. Either from coldness or fear I cannot tell.
"please... Stop" he whispers almost inaudibly. I really don't Know what to do so I just sit close to him.
As the storm progresses he doesn't move from his position of defense. I pull out my ear buds and put them in his ears and turn the volume up so he can't hear the storm. I hesitantly put my hands over his ears as well.

He finally lifts his head only for me to see the tears streaming down his face.
He put a his arm around me and pulls me close to him.
"Thank you" he whispers.

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