Chapter 16

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"You smell like a vampire" he whispers making me jump back.

I look at him with wide eyes as he glares furiously at me.
"You smell like a vampire, and I know which one it is... " he cuts his eyes at me before walking toward our fathers old black desk.

"Chanyeol" he steps closer and puts his hand on the desk. I see frost and ice appearing under his hand and spread across the top.

I step in front of the desk and he glares at me. "No.. Your wrong" my voice wavering as I look for a way out.
"No. I actually think I'm right and the smell? Its strong." with this he lunges across the desk at me and grabs my neck.
"Xiumin! " my voice shakes and I cough as I'm trying to pry his hands off.

He stares at me coldly, then as if he suddenly snapped back to reality he let go limply.
"We'll talk about this later" he says staring into space.
I glance at him then quickly go out of the room.

I fix my self as I walk back to the table I was at. Kyungsoo looks at me with a concerned expression. "He's pissed" I whisper. "oh god" kyungsoo puts his hand on my shoulder. "I didn't tell him you knew about it" I assure him, accepting the fact that when this party is over I'm going to die.

"no. Its fine. I'll tell him" he nods.
I can't focus on the rest of the evening while Xiumin glares at me from the front of the room.

After everyone exchanges a gift we all say our goodbyes and everyone leaves.
Xiumin waves at people from the front door then closes it.
With his hand on the door knob he turns around and looks at me.
He freezes the door knob solid then breaks it off with one hand while staring me down. "Xiumin?" my mom looks at him surprised at his actions.

"Tell me. When was the last time you saw that blood sucker?" Xiumin balled his fists in anger.
"What are you talking about?" Luhan looked at Xiumin then to me.
"Do tell them Baek" he glared.
Everyone looked at me.

"uh I -" "You what? Were meeting up with those vampires? Are you friends with them? Haven't you seen what they have done to this family?!" he snaps.

"I have" I look down.
"Then what baekhyun? Why do you reek of that damn blood sucking bastard?!" he yells.
"Because... "
He looks at me and raises an eye brow.

"They imprinted" Kyungsoo suddenly speaks up. My mother gasps looking at me.
"They what?!" Tao says in shock.
Suddenly Xiumin punches me in the face knocking me down. "what the hell?" I say looking up at him.

"How could you?" he clinches his fist.
"What do you mean how could you? You of all people should know how imprinting works!" I yell. And he kicks me.

I stand unsteady and face him.
Everyone is just watching this happen.

"He killed our father!" he punches me again.
"I thought we already went through this! It was my fault for wanting to go out that night!" I punch him back.
"I guess I screwed up again huh?!" I push him hard knocking him into Suho.

"Dad would be ashamed" Xiumin says coldly.
I punch him as hard as I can in the jaw.
It knocked him off balance and he falls.

I look up and my mother's expression is unmistakeable. It's the same one from the night of the party.
She's looking at me with such hate and disgust.

"I knew about it this whole time Xiumin, if they were planning to attack us they would've done it by now" Kyungsoo steps next to me.
"Kyungsoo" my mother looks at him surprised.

"Tell me". My mother steps to me.
"Has he came into this house?"
"yes, but only to my room-" she slaps me hard across the face.
I cover my cheek and look at her. Her furious eyes are staring into me.
I look at my brothers and they avert their eyes.

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