Chapter 18

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As I run with Baekhyun in my arms I look down to see his once pink lips are now blue and he's very pale.
"Baekhyun we'll be to the hospital soon" I try hard to keep my voice calm for him.
"Ch -chanyeol.. " I almost didn't hear him talk as I felt him pull on my arm.
I stop running. "yes?" I ask out of breath.
"I.. I love you" he whispers a tear escaping his eye.
"No.. No.. Baek.. I love you too but we aren't going to say goodbye" I hold him close as I cry.
"okay we're almost to the hospital, they will help you" I fake a smile and try to assure him.
My damn powers aren't working because of my emotional state or I would have teleported us to the hospital by now.

Lights in the distance make me run as fast as my exhausted legs will take me.
I see the "Hospital / Medical center " sign.

I run through the automatic doors into the bright white lights. I squint my eyes and the smell of antiseptic feels my nostrils.
The nurses look surprised upon seeing me.
"I.. I need help!" I yell uncovering baekhyun.
A gurney is rolled in front of me "Sir we will take him now" a nurse says as her and another nurse lift Baekhyun and lay him gently on the bed. "h-he got hit by a car" I Sutter, tears falling onto my cheeks. I'm shaking as I reach for his hand that is lying in the bed. "unconscious patient, broken leg and possible brain injury" a nurse says to a doctor as another nurse cuts baeks pant leg to see how bad it is. I grimace upon seeing the the bone slightly broken through the skin and the areas surrounding it dark purple or black colored.
They start rolling him down the hall way.
"He's lost a lot of blood we're going to have to do a transfusion. He also appears to have a lot of bruising. We might need to run a CT scan " The doctor writes this down on a clipboard.
"sir can you hear me?" a nurse asks while shining a flashlight into baekhyuns eyes.
He doesn't respond.
I can't hear his thoughts anymore.

We walk until we meet some huge white double doors.
"sir we're going to have to ask you to stay here until another nurse comes to get you" the nurse says.
"what?" I hold his hand tighter.
"sir he's going into surgery his broken bone is serious we need you to stay here" suddenly two security guards pull me away from the gurney.
I try to get out of their grips but I'm to exhausted to fight.
I watch as they roll baekhyuns unconscious body out of sight.

The guards take me to an empty examination room and shut the door.
When they close the door I pace the room, my heart is racing.
As I look around I see a mirror and my reflection frightens me.
My face is bruised and I have cuts, my hair is a complete mess, my clothes are soaked in both water and blood and my arms are bloody as well as my hands.
I was about to wash it but the door opens and a young nurse walks into the room.
"oh.. I will be examining you to make sure nothing is broken and patch you up. Okay?" she asks as she cautiously approaches me.
The motions me to sit on the table and I do as I'm told.
She puts on gloves and soon gets a cloth and a bowl of water and rubbing alcohol to wipe off my cuts.
"I see there is a lot of blood. It it yours?" she asks before wiping my arm.
She then wipes my arms and hands. It burns when she wipes my busted knuckles and when she cleans the cuts on my face. I wince when she grazes my bruised jaw, She then wraps my hands.
"would you mind letting me see your chest and back?" she asks putting the bowl and cloth on the counter.
I pull my soaked shirt over my head.
"oh my" she says covering her mouth slightly.
"your ribs are badly bruised" she says looking closer.
She pulls out a wrapping bandage and wraps it tightly around my torso. "fuck" I say breathing out the pain as she wraps it tighter.
"is the boy you brought with you, your brother?" she asks quitely.
"my boyfriend" I whisper as a tear escapes.

"I apologize sir" she bows to me.
"it's fine.. and you were just doing your job even if it did hurt like a bitch" I say shaking my head.
"I'm done cleaning your injuries. Would you like to go home and change? His surgery will not be done for another 2 hours"
I think about it for a moment. I don't want to leave baek but I also don't want to walk around looking like a massacre.
I nod to her and she leads me out.
"when you come be back I will let you wait in his hospital room until his surgery is finished" she smiles as I leave.
I feel calmed enough to teleport to my house.

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