Chapter 34

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"He would hate you.. And honestly who could blame him?" she shrugged with her dark smirk crossing her face.
As I looked at her, my heart racing, a tears of pure anger filled my eyes.
"Shut up" I shook my head
"what was that?" she stepped closer.
"I said. Shut. Up... Now" I growled.

The colors of my vision are now tented red with rage.
"now.. That's not how you speak to your mother Baekhyun.. After all I shut down the company so I could be here" she smiled before she ran straight at me. Her hand grips my collar and her claws tear the fabric as she stared harshly into my eyes.

"you're not my mother" I spit.
She looked at me for a moment. As if something I said actually got through the hate veiled over her soul..

"Get off of me" I shoved her away.

In the moment to follow the sadness I thought ought to be on her face was replaced with the same hateful glare that has made its appearance eternal in her once beautiful features.
"You little brat!" she threw me on the wet ground.
As I fell, I tried to catch my self, but the force was too great and as my hand hit the ground I felt pain shoot through my arm when my wrist snapped.

I let out a growl of pain. "You should just give up.. Before we go any farther" my "mother" says as she looks down at me.
"Never" my breath shakes in the cool night air.

She leisurely walks closer, placing her shoe on my wrist and begins to put weight on it.
"ahh!" I grab her ankle, desperately attempting to get her off of my broken bones.

She lifts her foot with a chuckle.

"You bitch! " I hold my throbbing arm.
I jump up and throw her into the crowd of fights that are taking place so I can get a second to wrap my injuries.

I rip my shirt and wrap my hand and wrist tightly.

My hands are shaking as I fold the fabric tighter..
I've never felt so furious...

What was that sound?
My heart is racing as I dart my eyes around the attic for a place to hide Jaeyun.
I place him back into his seat and cover him in the corner near an old painting.
A painting of a man... A werewolf man standing on top of a pile of slain vampires.
"infuriating isn't it"
I jump when I hear Kris.
"yet even after seeing this your on their side?" he strides slowly toward me, I see he is limping still from his injuries he received the night Jaeyun was born.

"Both sides had casualties during that great war and you know it" I step away from where I put Jaeyun to direct Kris's attention else where.
"Stupid, stupid boy" he shakes his head in disapproval.

"You see that's the difference between you and I.. When someone is taking advantage of kindness you don't see it. But I do."
"They haven't taken advantage of anything I've done for them" I cut my eyes at him.

"okay.. So they aren't making you hide their child because they them selves can't protect him" Kris's eyes stare through me.
"th-they didn't-"
"oh drop the act. I see through your pathetic attempts so keep that demon from my sight" he stepped toward the corner in question but I blocked his path.

"Don't" I put my hand on his chest.
"why? Do you care for the putrid blood sucker?" he scoffed.

"I care for him like he is my own. And if you want him. Your going through me first. I was told to protect him. And damnit that's what I'm going to do. Even if that makes it the last thing I'll ever do" I swallowed hard as Kris flashed his bright red eyes at me in the darkness of the attic.
"have it your way" he grinned.

He pushed me into an empty desk and it fell with a crash that woke Jaeyun who began to cry.
"Oh so there is where you're hiding it" Kris tries to reach Jaeyun but I kick Kris toward a back wall.
"Sehun. Don't make this harder than it has to be" he teleports in front of me and upper cuts my jaw.
"I.. Don't care" I spit blood onto the wooden floor I'm currently lying on.

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