Chapter 33

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"missed me?" xiumin smirked up at chanyeol who was motionless in front of him.
Xiumins eyes flickered to me before changing to a bright golden orange.
Before I could get chanyeols name out of my mouth xiumin threw him across the room into the stone fireplace.
He landed with a thud and as I turned with frantic eyes, xiumin ran straight for me.
"x-xuimin" my fear is getting the best of my reflexes as he easily grabs my neck and pulls me off of the couch.
"kyungsoo" I choke.
"aw what a shame.. No one can hear you" xiumins mouth curled into a grin.
His grip incredibly strong and his nails are digging painfully deep into my skin.
When I finally regained my ability to react I kicked xiumin hard in the stomach causing his grip to weaken.
I ripped out of his hands and fell to the floor.
"Kyungsoo! Lay! Sehun!" I screamed, trying to get away on all fours.

Xiumin grabbed my ankle "go ahead and call them. The more the merrier"
He said, dragging me out the front door, I desperately dig my nails into the floor and try to get a hold on anything to stop him.

He threw me onto the wooden porch, I'm blinded by headlights.

"don't be rude baek, why don't you greet your relatives?" xiumin pulled me up to my feet by my collar.
Everyone was there.
My brothers, my mom, my grandma, cousins, aunts and uncles and they weren't looking for a reunion.

"baek!" I heard from behind.
I turn with difficulty to see kyungsoo with the others following closely behind.
"what happened?" Sehun looked at my bleeding neck.
"x-xuimin.. " I turned and he was gone.
"So nice for you all to join us!"
We all snap our heads to see xiumin standing on top of the SUV whose lights have been glaring in our eyes.

"I was just about to kill Baekhyun.
But it wouldn't be a party with out his loyal friends now would it?" he called out while pacing the roof of the vehicle.
"nevertheless.. The show must go on.." he looked around.
"kill them all"

With that everyone on the front lawn charged straight for us.
"hide the baby" I whispered to Sehun.
He nodded and ran past me.
I looked at the others and clenched my fists.
"let's go"

I ran past Baekhyun to see chanyeol laying on the floor rubbing his head.
"Chanyeol! We have to help! Are you okay?!" he looked at me with a confused expression before his eyes turned bright red.
"I'll be alright.. " He stared past me as he stood up slowly and walked toward the front door.
"please Sehun... Protect my son." he stopped in the doorway before stepping outside.

I quickly run upstairs, trying not to slip on the wooden floors.
I open the door to see Jaeyun sleeping peacefully.
I gently pick him up and put him in his car seat next to his crib.
Without waking him I tiptoe up the stairs to the third floor.
The creaks of the floor boards echo as through the empty house.
I glance out of the window to see the fight has already begun.
A whimper from Jaeyun snaps my eyes away from the view.
"shhh I got you" I whisper as I head higher into the house.

I meet the end of the hall and see a chain hanging from the ceiling for a door to the attic.

After a couple of attempts to reach the chain I finally get it and carefully carry Jaeyun up the ladder.

It's dark.

This is a time I need Baekhyuns powers so I could have a light.

As I look around a small beam of light is peeking through a board covering the window and I easily pry it off exposing a small window where the headlights from below shine in.
Jaeyun began to sniffle and I looked down at him to see his tiny lip quivering.
"shh please don't cry" I take him into my arms.
"I'll stay with you"

"let go of me!" Tiffany yelled as Tao grabbed her arms.
I simply punch him in the head knocking him unconscious.
"thanks" she says dusting off her clothes and running to join Taeyeon who is currently in a heated hand to hand fight with a girl of Xiumins family, Jimin.
Although small Jimin is putting up a hell of a fight.
Taeyeon punches her in the face leaving a bruise but Jimin sweeps Taeyeons feet from under her causing her to fall backwards.
"Get the hell off me bitch!" Taeyeon yells furiously.
"I don't think I will" Jimin giggled as she pulled a knife from her boot and held it to Taeyeons neck.
"Playing dirty are we?" Tiffany yelled before tackling Jimin off of Taeyeon.

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