Chapter 17

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Chanyeol stared at him with hate evident in his red firey red eyes.
"Are you just going to stare at me?" Xiumin as while rolling his eyes.

Suddenly Chanyeol steps in front of me and holds his hand out then Xiumin is lifted off the floor. He kicks his feet and curses before he is thrown across the room landing on a chinaware cabinet. As the objects shatter to pieces he jumps to his feet, blood running down his arms and fur with pieces of glass are stuck into his skin.
"Well I've got to admit that was better than expected from a weak ass delinquent such as your self" Xiumin says dusting off his suit, not looking a bit fazed by what just happened.

"Baekhyun is this how you wanted your disgrace to meet mom?" He asks turning to me. "I knew one day you'd bring a boy home to meet the family but this is just not what I expected."
"Shut your damn mouth" Chanyeol demands balling his fists.
I peek past chanyeols arm to look at Xiumin who looks very amused with a devilish grin on his face.
"Oh it's protective over baekhyun? " Xiumin smiles at Chanyeol.
"Tell me. How many times have you two had sex in this house? Oh I mean how many times did this monster force you to? 10.. 20? Knowing this prick he probably holds you against your will every night, but then again since you're whoring around, I bet you enjoy it".

My face is the darkest shade of red as those words leave his mouth.

"N-no.. We don't. We haven't" I say averting my eyes from his.
"Oh I'm sure" he gives us a skeptical look.
"You heard what he said didn't you. I'm not a damn rapist" Chanyeol says his eyes fixed on Xiumin.

"What ever you say" Xiumin shrugs his shoulders.
"Do you know how innocent, pure and beautiful Baekhyun is? Do you really think he's that type of person? Your own brother?" Chanyeols eyes trailing to me as he asks.

"I don't think he's innocent at all.
Actually I think you ruined him" he says coldly.
Chanyeol reaches behind him and grabs my hand. As his fingers glide over mine he notices the ring and looks at me his eyes changing from red to their normal dark brown as I look into his eyes I know for certain he will do all he can to help and protect me and I will do the same for him. As if he heard my thoughts he gives my hand a squeeze.

Suddenly he's thrown into me slamming us harshly against the front door.
My head is pounding as I look up with blurry vision to see Luhan holding out his hand.
He looks at me apologetically for a moment but it quickly fades and his eyes flash into rage as he uses his telekinesis to pick Chanyeol up.
"this is why you've been acting strange? Because of him?!" luhan yells

Chanyeol starts kicking his feet trying to pry invisible hands from his throat.
As I hear his gasps for air and I can't take it any longer.

Luhans eyes are on Chanyeol, I run at him as fast as I can but the floor is covered in ice. I slip but as I fall I tackle him to the floor and he drops Chanyeol who begins coughing his lungs up as the floor is burning beneath him leaving black patches in the wood.

I am the next to be forced off of the floor by Luhan.
My powers will not effect him in a situation like this so I don't know how to help myself. No matter how hard I'm fighting his grip on me remains.
In the moments my vision goes blurry I see everyone stumble and struggle to stay standing straight.
When Luhan finally falls I drop 20 feet to the floor.
I wince as I look up to see kyungsoo stomping and cracking the floor with all his strength. The force feels like a earthquake.
"Come on" he says helping me up.
We run out side to Chanyeol who is waiting in the snow.

"oh no you don't" I hear an angry voice call.
When I turn to run from Xiumin I notice he froze our feet to the ground.

Panicked I try breaking the ice but it won't budge.
As the snow falls it's beginning to get harder to fight.
I turn to Chanyeol whose ice melted immediately. He is melting the ice on kyungsoo and nods to me telling me he's going to help me next.
We change to our human forms and when we are free I grab Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and run toward the front gate.
As I reach the gate I hear the loudest, most urgent and frightening Howl  I've ever heard.
It's my mother.
It was a howl only used in times of war or chaos to alert all of the wolves in a family to come to a certain place and she just told them all to come here.

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