Chapter 9

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Leaving Chanyeols house I can't help but smile to my self. I'm walking through the woods in the dark and notice my palms glowing. What's going on? I look at my hands and try to make it stop but it won't. I turn around and when I look up chanyeol is standing there. "what are you-" he covers my mouth "shh " and puts his finger to his lips. He then pulls me with him behind a large tree. "what are we doing?" I whisper removing his hand. "shh " he points and I look in the direction. I see some people walking this toward us. As they come a little closer I can tell that they are chanyeols brothers. "I didn't think you wanted to be killed tonight" he whispers.
I shove my hands into my pockets so they wouldn't see the light.
We watched in silence as they passed. When they were out if sight I let out a sigh of relief. "thank you for helping me" I turned to chanyeol who was staring at me inches from my face, leaning his arm above me on the tree.

"your welcome" he hums in a low voice. "did you know they would be there?" I asked avoiding his gaze.
"yes and.. " "and?" I looked up, meeting his eyes.
"I wanted to do this again" he suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

The butterflies returned to my stomach and the fire to my lips. I felt him put his hand in the small of my back and pull me closer to him.

I feel like I'm floating.

When I break the kiss a smirk is apparent on chanyeols face. I give him a questioning look and he grabs my hand. The glow is brighter now, almost full power.
"so.. I guess I should go now" I laugh awkwardly, pulling my jacket sleeves over my hands. He smirks.
"be careful.. I wouldn't want something to happen to my boyfriend"
"b-boyfriend?" I choke on the word. "yes" he kisses the top of my hand before vanishing.

As I reach the front gate to my house I still feel like I'm in a trance.
This feeling is so foreign.. My heart won't slow down.

I climb the tree in front of the house and walk on the roof to the window of Kyungsoos room. I get inside and Kyungsoo isn't in the room. I walk down the hall to my room and lock the door behind me.

When I turn around kyungsoo is sitting on my bed. "how did it-" he suddenly stops mid sentence. "y-you smell like Chanyeol" he says standing from the bed.
"well.. We did kiss.. A couple times" I blush at the thought. "no... this smell is more than just a smell that lingers on your clothing.. " his expression is serious. "what?" I raise a browser at him.

"Baek did you except Chanyeol as your mate?" he tries looking into my eyes which are avoiding his.
"maybe.. " I mumble.
I look at the floor.
"Baek when you except your mate there smell is linked to your soul so other potential mates know you are ready taken" he says smelling me. "Its really strong. I don't know how we're going to hide this from the others" he looks worried.
A knock on my door makes me jump. "hey baek can I see your notes for history I can't find mine" tao says as he walks in. "uh.. Sure" I shakily dig through my bag to find the notebook.

kyungsoo is standing in front of tao trying to mask my sent a little. "hey do you smell -" "you know what Tao you can use mine" Kyungsoo says putting his arm around Tao and dragging him out of my room. "But we don't even have the same class" "its okay I insist" I hear them argue as they walk down the hall.
I hurriedly close the door and lock it.
I rush and take a shower hoping to wash off most of the sent.

When I get out I have Kyungsoo smell and its still pretty strong.
"what am I gonna do?" I fall back in my bed. "if I tell the others Xiumin is going to go and kill Chanyeol and then Chanyeols brothers will kill me" I cover my face with my hands.
"two families that hate each other yet two people from those families are lovers.. This sounds like Romeo and Juliet.. Or I mean Romeo and Romeo" kyungsoo says. "Im bring serious " I sigh.
"well we can try to cover it up but eventually they are going to find out" I hate that he's right.

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