Chapter 19

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"He's Human" Kyungsoo says stepping back.
"yeah? What else would I be?" Baekhyun looked at him confused.
"what? Baek, you can't be serious?" kyungsoo asked dumbfounded.
Baekhyun looked from him to me.
"Channie your hair... Did you dye it?" he asked as he ran his hand through my hair.
"N-no I didn't" I said observing him.
As he looked around the room absorbing his surroundings, his eyes stop on Lay.
"what is he doing here?" baekhyun looks at me.
"I.. Was concerned about you" lay says. "really?" baekhyun sits up on the bed.
He then closes his eyes tight and holds his side. "that hurt" he groans.
Kyungsoo and Lay both look at me for what to do.
"Doctor!" kyungsoo yells loudly and walks out into the hall.
"I'll be right back" I tell baekhyun as I kiss the top of his head.
I follow kyungsoo and Lay into the hall where the doctor has appeared.
"yes?" he adjusts his glasses as he looks down at kyungsoo.
"first, baekhyun is awake and second he doesn't remember what happened to him or that he is supposed to be a werewolf " kyungsoo says putting his hands on his hips.
"well that is common for brain injury patients" the doctor says as if it's not a big deal.
"so what do we do?" kyungsoo shrugs,  not holding back his sass one bit.
"wait until he remembers or help him try to regain his memories but usually when something traumatic happens...these types of patients tend to block out all memories of it" the doctor then glances into the room at baekhyun.
"he has lost all traces of his werewolf scent and he visually looks like a human can you explain that?" kyungsoo says motioning toward him.
"I wouldn't know" the doctor scratches his head in thought.
"well I would like to fucking know because we don't go around humans, so I don't know how to take care of  him and even now I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't think my brother was dying of an unknown disease or something" kyungsoo crosses his arms.

The doctor avoids kyungsoos glare as he walks past us into baekhyuns room.
"hello" the doctor says walking up the bed as baekhyun greets him with a smile.
"will you please remove your shirt? I'm just going to check your heart beat and breathing patterns" the doctor says
Baekhyun then removes the hospital shirt he is wearing exposing his pale skin and bandage wrapped torso.
The doctor has him breath and listens closely.
"everything sounds normal"
He then shines light into baekhyuns eyes. "are you experiencing sight difficulties?"
"sort of.. I am having a hard time seeing things at a distance" baekhyun blinks.
"his human eyes aren't as skilled as a werewolves" kyungsoo whispers.
"I'll have your eyes checked" the doctor writes this down.
"are you feeling any pain?" the doctor asks as baek puts his shirt back on.
"just in my side"
"that's understandable" the doctor then gives him some pain medication.
"also.. How will I be able to walk with this caste?" baek asks uncovering his broken leg.
"I will have some crutches brought to you later" the doctor nods.
"Baekhyun looks to be healing well" the doctor then leaves leaving us all to look at baekhyun who is shifting uncomfortably  in the bed. 

"what's wrong?" Kyungsoo asks raising an eyebrow at him.
"I-i just really have to go to the bathroom" he says biting his lip impatiently.
Kyungsoo then turns to me with a smirk on his face.
"what?" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"take your boyfriend to the bathroom" kyungsoo says before sitting down in a chair.
I hear lay trying to hold back his laughter because of the look I have on my face.
I look at baekhyun and we make eye contact before he quickly looks away.
"okay.. Uh baek I'll help you" I say uncovering him.
He swings his leg to the floor and puts his arm around my shoulders and I put mine around his waist as he hops holding the other off the floor slightly.
I lead him into the small bathroom and when I let go of him he looks stable. "okay I'll just wait outside" I say turning around.
"woah" he says grabbing my arm as he tries not to fall.
"I don't think I can stand by myself" he says avoiding my eyes as I look down at him.
I look around the room and it's hard to believe there wouldn't be a damn hand rail in a hospital bathroom.
"okay" I sigh awkwardly as I stand next to him.
He slightly pulls down his pants "don't.. Don't look" he says blushing hard.
I spin around, his hand holding onto my arm and I wait for him to finish.
After he washes his hands I help him back to his bed to the amusement of lay and kyungsoo.
I go back to stand near lay "wow I didn't know your face could be the same color as your hair" kyungsoo whispers covering his teasing heart shaped smile.
"shut up" I say making him try harder.

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