Chapter 6

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Im still so confused! Do I like him? Am I crazy for thinking like this?
I stand from my seat on the front stairs and walk back inside. I decide to go to the library to take my mind off things.
I Begin reading and before I knew it "baek dinner " I hear luhan call. I get up and place the book back on the shelf. Before I put the book back I see a note in its place. "I need to talk to you"- Chanyeol
I fold the note and put it in my shirt pocket.
I go to the dinning room where everyone is already seated.
I sit next to Kyungsoo "sorry I'm late" I say putting food on my plate. "its ok son, how was your day? I didn't see you at all today" she says with a concerned expression.
"yeah I know I was reading" "you know how baek is when he reads he doesn't make a noise and stays in the library for hours" Luhan smiled.
We all smile and continue eating.
Dinner was quite but nice and I passed the note I found under the table to Kyungsoo. I nudged him and he took it. After he read it he gave me a look mixed with worry and confusion.

After dinner Kyungsoo grabbed my arm and drug me to his room closing the door behind us.
"what are you going to do?" he asks while pacing.
"Im not sure. I mean I guess I'll talk to him?" "not by your self you aren't!" he raises his voice slightly. "okay.. Then come with me" I say unsure if I should actually do this.

"I should tell Xiumin he can come too" with this he started toward the door but I blocked it. "no I just want you you come. Or I'll go alone"
If Xiumin found out I have came in contact with Chanyeol again let alone am meeting with him I don't think I could handle his reaction. And I don't think he'd let Chanyeol like he would probably freeze him solid.
"Fine. But I'm not going to be nice to him. " Kyungsoo crosses his arms.
I laugh slightly and leave his room to get ready.
While changing in front of my mirror my eyes drift to the marks on my hands. I've had them since I was little from my power to control light it has caused lighter spots on my skin. Also I look to my hips right where my under wear line is. I have stretch marks from transforming into my wolf form, when you change into an wolf your body weight and height changes rapidly. All of us have stretch marks somewhere from this.

I think back to the other night when Chanyeol was going to take off my jeans.
Part of the reason I didn't want him to was first because I'm not ready for that and he's not even my boyfriend. But also because I didn't want him to see the marks on my skin.
I finish getting dressed and but on a jacket before heading back to Kyungsoos room. I knock lightly before he says come in.

"okay how are we going to leave with out everyone hearing us?" I ask. "out the window" he points with a smile.
While climbing out the window, Im having thoughts that this might not be a good idea.
But as I walk with Kyungsoo I feel better that I'm not going alone.
We walk out of the gate of the estate and quickly down the side walk. "where are we even going?" he asks. "Im not sure I just figured we'd walk until we saw him" I said while searching.

Walking into town its beginning to get colder. Flashbacks from the night my dad passed suddenly caused me to stop walking. Everything looks the exact same as that night and I suddenly feel like I can't breathe.
"Baek?" Kyungsoo grabs my arm. "Baekhyun?" I snap out of it and look at him. "sorry.. Its just-" "I know" he gives a weak smile. He wipes my cheek. Was I crying? I turn slightly away from him and do it my self.
When I turned to see Baekhyun staring with a terrified expression it scared me. Tears formed in his eyes and I could see his fast breathing in the cold air.

After he snapped out if it I realized that we haven't walked like we used to since dad died. "Im sorry.. Its just-" "I know" I cut him off seeing the hurt and embarrassment on his face.
We walked until we saw a figure in the distance. "is that him?" I whisper.
After a second "yes" Baekhyun replies and we walk up to him.

I haven't seen chanyeol since that night and I'm still filled with hate about it. He looks at Baek. I look at baek too and see his expression soft and his palms are slightly glowing. What's that about? He turns to me and gives me a look of slight annoyance.
I just glare at him. "he wouldn't let me come alone" Baekhyun says.

Damn right.

"And why is that? You don't trust me puppy? " he asks not taking his eyes off me.
"I don't say that I do" I answer, the word "puppy " bringing back hateful memories.
He in return smirks and turns back to Baekhyun.
"Although your brother is here I will still speak to you what I need to". He says looking down to Baekhyun.
Chanyeol looks very determined.
"do you remember how I told you someone wanted me near you?" he steps closer. I step back slightly "yes?"
"I believe that person is you" "what?" "yeah what?" kyungsoo asks.

Chanyeol sighs.

"I say this because since the day I met you I can no longer hear the thoughts of other guys other than my brothers and you" he looks into my eyes. "I can no longer lay with another guy with out going insane with the guilt it causes". His voice is desperate. "I-I don't know what to-" Im cut off by him grabbing my hand.

"I don't know what I'm feeling.. But I.. I just wanted you to know" his grip tightening. "ouch" I whisper and try to remove his hand. Kyungsoo steps closer but I raise my hand for him to stop.
"I know I'm just standing as a body guard but Baekhyun doesn't this sound familiar?" kyungsoo says raising a brow at me. It does. It sounds all to familiar. "what he's saying is that wolves imprint.. On either mates or friends" I turn my face away from chanyeols gaze. "to find out which the imprinti is, is determined by the effect on there heart.. " Kyungsoo nods. We have been taught this from birth, because usually you find your mate as a child.

"But depending on the type of creature the imprinting happens to determines who feels the effect more. And in this case you feel all of the changes" I finally turn back to face Chanyeol.

"It would seem that Baekhyun has found his mate. And I can see its true, because Baekhyun even with out your knowledge your hands were glowing. Powers only come when called on and when they appear anyway its when your mate is near" Kyungsoo says causing me to turn bright red. Chanyeols hand comes up to touch my cheek. "you're burning me" he smiles softly. "Although all these things are true its up to the imprinter to decide weather to except his mate" Kyungsoo says. "Vampires and Werewolves being friends let alone being together is unheard of" I say looking away from him.

"I.. Don't know what to do"

"This is a lot to decide.. Baekhyun, I will wait until you want to decide. I do really like you" Chanyeol with this teleports from sight.

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