Chapter 15

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Today is Christmas eve.
"Baek we have a lot to do so could you get up? I've been trying to wake you for 10 minutes"Luhan laughs walking out of my room. I groaned as I stretched to sit up. Today is our families huge Christmas party. All of my family will be here and people from important companies that are coming to talk to my mother and xiumin about xiumin becoming the next head of the council of Red Roses.
I put on a sweater and jeans and head down stairs.
I see my mother marking off boxes as brothers bring them up from the basement.
"Baekhyun will you help them please?"she smiles. I nod as I walk down the stairs into the cold dim basement.
We used to come down here a lot when we were younger. There's a couch, TV and Foosball table.
Tao looks like he's about to fall carrying three boxes at once. The top box falls and I catch it before it hits the floor. "be more careful Tao this has moms angel for the top of the tree in it" Xiumin scolds, his breath visible in the air.
I take it and another box containing lights and take them up stairs.
After what feels like another hundred trips up and down the stairs we finally have all the decorations accounted for.
"okay lets start!" my mom sighs.

I take the white and gold strands of lights and wrap them around the railings of the stairs and around the frames of the windows.
Xiumin and Luhan are out side decorating the exterior part of the house.
I'm sitting out the snowman figurines when I hear a crashing sound coming from the kitchen. I run to see and when I open the door I see my mom on the floor trying to pick up pieces of the glass cup she dropped. "mom?" I say going closer to help her. I reach for a piece of the cup, but she smacks my hand away. "no it's fine. I'll do it" she says picking up the piece quickly and cutting her finger "shit" she curses under her breath. As blood drips from her finger she tries with the other hand. "mom" I say taking the glass and putting into the garbage. I get a box of bandages from the first aid kit and bandage her hand. "good as new" I smile, but when I look up tears are streaming down her face. "I... I miss him so much" she sniffles. "I do too" I say putting the box back. "this is the first Christmas with out him.. "she says grabbing her locket from around her neck and opening it to see the family picture inside. Holding it tightly She kisses the picture then closes it.
"okay" she says wiping her tears and moving her long hair from her face. "I just needed a moment" she says taking a deep breath.
My mother tries her best never to be emotional especially in a sad way but I understand sometimes you just need to let it out.

I give her a tight hug before leaving to continue decorating.

Kyungsoo helps me set out the rest of the figurines and put the wooden tables around the room.
I Put chairs around them and kyungsoo puts the red table cloths on them.
We put a different center piece per table a small tree, a snowman, a snowflake, or a poinsettia.
We take a break and sit at a table waiting for my brothers to bring in the tree.
"so.. You two are back together?" kyungsoo whispers. "yea and I feel much better" I give him a smile. Since chanyeol and I got back together the depression my family was under disappeared and I feel much better about everything between us although it's still a secret from our families.
"I don't think his scent is stronger but you should still be mindful about that."he warns.
I nod smelling my shirt but I don't smell him. "you want be able to smell it. He's your mate. His scent is meant for your body, so it wouldn't have the same alarming effect as it does on everyone else".

Soon Xiumin, Tao and Suho come carrying our gigantic tree. They had to change into their wolf forms because it's so heavy.
In the past my father would be able to carry it by himself.
They sit the tree in the front of the room near the second floor railing. The tree reaches about 5 feet from touching the ceiling.
I put the tree skirt under it and the proceed to put lights and other decorations on it with tao and kyungsoo while Suho, Xiumin and Luhan go to the roof to put on lights.

Hours pass and I'm officially ready to pass out. I haven't eaten so I go prepare sandwiches for everyone.
I walk outside into the freezing air into the snow so I can see my brothers on the roof. "here!" I say throwing the wrapped sandwiches to them.

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