Chapter 21

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"I'll do it" he then slowly started to remove his tie, not taking his eyes off of me.

As he was untying the tie he momentarily lost his balance and was teetering on his good leg to stay standing.
Embarrassed he laughed at himself.
"I'm sorry I ruined the mood didn't I?" his large dark eyes looked to me.
"no babe. You're perfect" I smiled in amusement causing him to smile back.

After he got his shirt and blazer off he began to struggle with his pants

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After he got his shirt and blazer off he began to struggle with his pants.
He turned his bare back to me and sat on the end of the bed trying pull the fabric over his caste.
After another minute of watching his thin torso I decide to help him.
I walk around the king sized bed to face my small dark haired boy.
"here" I say pushing him back onto the bed.

I then carefully pull the pant leg over the caste leaving him to be only in his underwear.
He is staring up at me with those beautiful sparkling eyes. He looks so flawless lying there, his porcelain untouched skin, slender his waist, his-
He must have noticed my stare as his eyes flash and avoid mine. Momentarily it seemed to look like his werewolf form..

Without a word I put my hand under his chin to bring his lips to mine for a quick kiss before I also undress.

I am also in my boxers, baekhyun scoots up on the bed toward the headboard and waits, he looks very anxious...

As I climb to straddle his waist I connect our lips.
His warm lips.

He brings his hands up to my neck and lightly tugs my hair as his tongue enters my mouth.
We fight for dominance but he ends up letting me take control over him.
I let my kisses travel down his neck slowly sucking the skin.

Baekhyun bites his lip to keep in the
Whimpers as I hit his sweet spot. He grips my shoulders tightly and again begins the grind his hips on mine in desperate need of friction between us, his hot breath panting against my skin as he gives me quick kisses.

"baek.." I groan feeling his hands slide down my back.
He then pulls me even closer pressing my body to his and begins to give me slower more passionate kisses. It's hard to ignore his hardness poking my stomach as he presses against me.

I leave more marks on his neck before I pull away hearing a whine in response.

I pout my lips slightly and chanyeols eyes stare at them with an amazed expression. "what? You want more?" he teases and I turn my burning face away from him.
He then sits back slightly raking my body with his eyes. His bulge in his becoming painfully bigger by the second.

His eyes stop on my boxers and his large hands reach for the waist band.
"Ch-chanyeol" I say quickly causing him to look in my eyes.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
A minute ago I was so confident and I suddenly feel overwhelmed.

I can feel my heart pounding as my shaking hands pull on chanyeols.
"I-i.. -"
"I knew you weren't ready" he said quietly, his eyes searching my face.
"No.. I.. I am.."
"then what's wrong love?" he asks running his fingers through his firey red locks.

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