Chapter 32

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"Upstairs. Now." Chanyeol demanded as he took my wrist and dragged me through the living room full of people.
"here take Jaeyun.. We'll be right back"Chanyeol smirked his dimpled smirk as he handed our baby to Kyungsoo.
As he pulled me up the stairs his grip got tighter on my arm.
"Ch-chanyeol.. Your hurting me" I pull out of his hand.
he opened our bedroom door and pushed me inside.
"well your hurting me" he said as he clicked the door shut and rested his back against the wood.

"what do you mean? Are you jealous of me calling her beautiful?" I sat on the bed and eyed the red haired giant.

"you don't think she's beautiful?" I said under my breath and his eyes became red.
"no. I don't. The only person I will ever see as beautiful.. Is you" he strides quickly to the bed and pushes me onto my back.
As I looked up his bright eyes were searching my face.
I was about to ask what he was doing but was interrupted by his icy lips crashing onto mine.

I hear his shoes hit the floor as he kicks them off and quickly throws his jacket onto the bed.

He finally breaks the kiss leaving me breathless.
"strip" he states plainly as he stands up straight from the bed.
"what?" I jump up and raise an eyebrow at him.
"I said strip" he grins before sitting on the bed with his arms crossed.
I turned around to look at him "I'm waiting" he teases.

I roll my eyes with a sigh before kicking my shoes off.

"keep going" he sat back with his hands behind his head.
Pulling my shirt over my head I throw it, it lands in chanyeols face.
He pulls it off with a smirk "keep going" his eyes drift downward.

"you sure you don't want to do it?" I ask in a low voice. Chanyeols gaze is full of want, but he answers with a slight shake of his head.

I slowly unbutton and slide my jeans off. When I stand back up chanyeols lips are inches from mine.
His thumb grazes my cheek as he remains silently staring into my eyes.

I reach my arms up and drape them around his neck.
"you know we have guests" I say taking my lip between my teeth.. I know he can't resist this.

"let em hear" he wraps his arms around my lower back.
After a moment I proceed to remove my boxers. His eyes drift down then to meet mine.

"is this what you wanted?" I asked feeling my face heat up.
"almost " he says before trailing kisses down my neck.
"let's take this to the bed-"
As the sentence leaves his mouth the sound of the bedroom door opening made us snap our eyes toward the sound.


Taeyeon was standing in the doorway.
I quickly grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around my waist and hid behind chanyeol.

"i-i.. I'm sorry" her face was bright red as she stuttered almost tripping over her own feet before quickly shutting the door.
I turned to chanyeol and he looked as if he was going to burst out in laughter any second.

"shut up" I said as he looked at me with a wide toothy smile.
"what? Didn't want your little girlfriend to see your di-"I covered his mouth before he could finish his embarrassing question.
I glared at him before pulling my clothes back on.

As I opened the door chanyeol pushed it closed.
"we'll continue this later"
"whatever" I rolled my eyes and headed down stairs.

Kyungsoo handed jaeyun to me and I head toward the kitchen.

I pushed the door open with my back and spun around to see Tiffany and Taeyeon.
I avoid looking at them as I fix jaeyun a bottle. Tiffany puts her hand on my shoulder with a smile, leaving us alone.
"I.. I'm sorry for invading your privacy" taeyeons small voice said.
"it's okay.. Chanyeol should've locked the damn door" I sighed.

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