Chapter 8

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Sitting here next to Chanyeol I wonder what has happened on his past to make him so paralyzed with fear.
The rain doesn't seem to be letting up.

Is he really my mate? He couldn't be. I mean this is the same guy that used my mom to traumatize me about my fathers death, like who does that? He also hasn't taken me seriously since I met him.
Although he's in a vulnerable state right now if I don't get home soon Kyungsoo is going to come looking for me and knowing him he might bring Xiumin and no one wants that. "chanyeol.. " I say pulling out of his arms. I stand and see him starting to stand and hand me my phone and ear buds back. "Thanks" he says avoiding eye contact. "what ever happened.. I won't ask. You can tell me when your ready.. If you want" he nods and I open the door to the play house and am immediately hit with wind and rain.

I hesitantly grab chanyeols large freezing hand "w-what are you doing?"
"and you say I get flustered easily" I say amused by his red face.
"when I count to 3 we're going to run" I counted and we ran through the rain hand in hand with me leading the way. I felt him grip my hand tighter when it would thunder.

We stopped under a store onning, "this is probably the worst date you've ever been on huh?" Chanyeol says rubbing the back of his head. "well.. I wouldn't say that since its the only date I've ever been on" its kind of embarrassing to admit. "I.. I know it won't help anything but.. Im sorry about your dad.. "
My jaw is on the ground.
"And.. " he sighs " Im sorry.. For that night at the party.. Even though I don't think I did anything wrong" he said the last part quietly. I punch his arm.

"hey!" I appreciate that he's apologizing but remembering that night makes my blood boil.

"I really need to go before my brothers find out I left" I say worrying because the rain isn't letting up. "go" he says. "what?" I look up at him.

"go.. Its fine I'll just stay here until the rain stops"
"I dont-"
"its okay.. Really"
"wait can't you teleport away?"
"my powers don't work when I'm... scared" he looks away from me as if saying he didn't want to talk anymore.

I nod and begin to run. I turn back and he waves.
When I finally get home I look through the downstairs window and everyone is in the family hall.
I have to climb a tree and jump to the roof to reach kyungsoos room. I finally get to his window and basically fall in the room. Kyungsoo is sitting on his bed giving me a crazy look.

"where were you?!" he asks jumping up to help me. "its a weird story" I say "your dripping in the floor.. We need to get you to change into dry clothes"
We walk slowly to his door and open it enough to see if anyone is in the hall.
When the coast is clear I walk quickly to my room and change.
I put on a t shirt and shorts and dry my hair with a towel.

It wasn't long until I heard a knock on my door and I expecting a maid but then kyungsoo same barging in and began to question me again.
"do you know how worried I was?" he says crossing his arms.
"Im sorry "
"I had to like to mom when she wanted you to come down with everyone.. I told her your sick"

"how did it go? Is he your mate?" he turned to me, his big eyes searched my face.
"I'm.. I don't know yet. I don't even have a crush in him.. I mean he's handsome and polite but I'm not feeling like a mate should". I let out a sigh.

"you know its because he's a vampire.. I mean if he was a werewolf you would be head over heels by now but just give it time.. You'll fall for him" kyungsoo gives me a weak side smile.

I don't know if I want him to be right.

"I got it!" kyungsoo suddenly yells making me jump. "what?! " I yell back.
"kiss him" automatically I feel my face heat up. "what!?"
"you have to. It'll be like true loves kiss" he smiles to his self.
"could you be any cheesier?" I roll my eyes.
"no I'm serious, you remember how dad would tell us about the first time he kissed mom, he knew it was meant to be after that!" he says,  standing looking determined.
"I-" "come on Baek don't be a chicken" he wines.
"I can't just kiss him it has to be the right time and... Im not a chicken!" I defend "I.. Just haven't ever kissed anyone.." I look away from his stare.

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