Chapter 26

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"Let go!! Chanyeol help me!!" I screamed as Kai and Chen pulled me harshly out of the bathtub.
"shut him up! They are going to hear him!" Kai whispered hastily.
I looked at Chen and tried to run to the door but he gripped my wrist stopping me just before I reached the knob.
"Chany-" I was cut off by Chen covering my mouth from behind. I punched his cheek causing it to bruise immediately.
"come on now be quiet!" he tried to pull me with him as he wrapped his arm around my torso.
"let's go" Kai says jumping from the window.
I managed to get Chen's hand off my mouth partially. "chanyeol!!" I yelled and he covered my mouth again, I bit his hand as hard as I could and tried to pull out of his grip.
"let me go!" I yelled while struggling, my heart is beating at a dangerous speed as cold sweat forms on my forehead.
"I didn't want to have to do this... " he said as he stared at me.
Suddenly he pulled out a crow bar and hit me in the head.

My vision was blurry as he carried me through the front lawn. "your heavier than I thought you'd be" he huffed.
"ch-chanyeol" I could barely speak, everything was moving in slow motion as I blinked frantically.
My hands and feet are tied making me unable to move.
"shh " Chen said as he put duct tape over my mouth.
I feel the cool air hitting my skin and the bright sun is blinding me.

I'm in and out of consciousness as we reach an unfamiliar area. I struggled to talk until Kai ripped the tape off. "what the hell do you want?" he asks in an annoyed tone.

"where are you taking me?" I asked quickly swallowing the lump in my throat as I felt tears leave my eyes.
"don't worry about it" Kai said with out a glance in my direction.
We then teleport to a seemingly abandoned storage building. "we can't let that puppy track us" Kai says as he slides the huge rusty metal door open with a gust of freezing air that makes me tense up more than I already am.

I'm carried into the dark building, the only sound I can hear is the echoing of their shoes on the concrete floor.

I turn my eyes to a small dim light being emitted beneath another door.

As the door slides open I see Kris and Sehun sitting in chairs against the back wall.
"it's about time you got here" Kris sighed. "what happened to you?" he asked looking at Chen. "nothing" Chen said as he cut his eyes at me.

"anyway, I'm so glad you could make it puppy" Kris said as he brushed his hand on my tear stained cheek. I jerked away with a glare.
"let's start" Kris gave me a cold stare before Chen dropped me onto the cold floor.
The only sound I can make is a muffled groan in pain as my back and head hit the concrete.

"okay now this page says... " they start talking and I decide to scoot my self towards the doorway. My bare legs get chills as they slide against the cold floor.
I glance at the others before continue sliding on my back.

I'm at the door way when I glance up and see Sehun starring at me from his seat in the back of the room. My heart starts to race as I freeze in place. His dark eyes don't seem to be bothered by my attempt to escape.

While caught in his stare I didn't notice Kris standing over me.
"where do you think your going?" he smirks before grabbing my ankles and dragging me back into the room
As my back slides on the floor my shirt rides up exposing my boxers.
"oh...what do we have here?" Kris puts his fingers on the waistband of my boxers.
I squirm in muffled protests "what was that?" he asked as he ripped the tape off of my mouth.
"I said don't fucking touch me" I spit at him.
"what was that?" he said angrily as he punched my mouth, I felt the blood drip down my lips.
"you should be more polite to the people who are helping you get rid of your problem" he said gliding his hand over my protruding stomach.
"Leave me alone!" I yell. The room shakes,making him jerk his hand away slightly. "wow his eyes changed" Kris's eyes stared into mine. "fine." he rolled his eyes.
"take him away until we need him" Kris ordered before Kai and Chen drug me by my arms into the darkness.

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