Chapter 2

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Chanyeol placed his hand under my chin and forced my face toward his. His skin is like ice almost painfully cold pricking into my face but the pain from his grip on my wrist hurt worse. I refuse to open my eyes.
"Hey!" Tao yells and my eyes instinctively shot open to see the tall boy in front of him had pushed him harshly onto the ground. Taos upset expression quickly turned to anger, most of the time he avoids conflict but I can see it in his eyes that he's had enough of them. He stood up, the heel of his boot slamming onto the pavement as he pushed the boy back.
"This puppy has a bite," he chuckled. "Kris cut it out " Chanyeol let out an annoyed sigh as he glared at them.
"I like older guys," the youngest boy smirked before he forced his arms around Luhan. Luhan tried to break free from his arms but he couldn't. His breath hugged in the freezing air and he let out a yelp when the boy began to squeeze him tighter.
"Stop" my voice came out a whisper and Chanyeol looked at me his red eyes fading in brightness. "Stop this. What are you all trying to accomplish?" he smirked at my annoyed tone before looking around at his brothers who all burst into obnoxious laughter. "Really what do you guys want?" Xiumins voice cut through. "Isn't it obvious?" Chanyeol asked. I scowled in confusion and he ignored my expression as he grabbed my face once more. His razor sharp nails dug into my cheeks forcing my face directly in front of him. Tug on my skin and my feet were off the ground. Tear blurred my vision.
"We want a pet".

Chanyeol suddenly trailed his tongue down the side of my neck smacking his lips. I gasped as I felt him move to my collar bone.
I began to tremble fighting the weight holding my arms down. I looked with wide eyes to my brothers. They were all frozen watching us. Chanyeols older brother Kris rolled his eyes in disgust.
Thoughts of the stories from my textbook flashed into my mind as well as the memories of nights my mother would be worried sick for my father because he had to go out into the world of creatures like this. My skin burned with the heat of my boiling anger. Chanyeol began sucking on my collar bone and I bit my lip as discomfort and embarrassment caused a groan to escape my lips.
Why the hell cant I move?! 
"Am I causing you pleasure little puppy?" he chuckled against my skin. "Wouldn't it be more romantic by... candlelight?" he asked as he snapped his fingers. In that instant, a red flame appeared on his fingers tip and he held it close to my face. I squeezed my eyed shut feeling the burning heat on my cheek.

I peeked at the others and uncontrollably my eyes flashed bright white. I can't last much longer. Their eyes flashed back in response and I turned to Chanyeol.
"You must stop calling me a puppy" I laughed darkly. "It's annoying. " I snapped. My voice wavering between forms. He stopped and looked taken back by my sudden change in attitude. I clenched my fists. "Get out of here" I yelled, gave them one last chance.

He smiled at me as if it was a joke and that's when I lost it. My vision became clouded with red.
I growled loudly pushing the hold off my arms as I dug my claws into his chest I pushed him as far away from me as I could.
"Let's get one thing straight, we aren't puppies. We're wolves".
I watched as he got up from the ground. My brothers all began to growl. As I looked around they all started to change. The sound of cracking bones mixed with howls and black and brown fur covered their once human bodies.
Chanyeols red eyes glanced at my brothers but his expression didn't change. He was enjoying this.
"You think you stand a chance against us?" Kris said his voice confident as he stood beside Chanyeol.
"Let's find out" I smirked.
I ran at Chanyeol full speed on all fours but he disappeared right when I got a hold of his shirt ripping the fabric in my claws. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around, he was right behind me.
I threw a punch and it barely grazed his chin he was too fast. His eyes glowed brightly and he held his hand out. I watched as he with out even moving threw me hard against the wall.
I winced in pain feeling my spine bruise against the stone. I stood up my ears rang from the impact my head encountered against the brick. I could only see Chanyeols silhouette before he was suddenly inches from me.
"Ah! " I looked to see Kyungsoo had thrown one of them through the wall of the bridge. Crashing my ears flinched.
I turned to chanyeol and he forcefully wrapped his arm around my waist. Pulling me to him. Wait... idiot! He's a vampire he hates bright light!
I balled my fist and when I opened it light from my palm blinded him. I shoved my hand across his check and he hissed in pain instantly covering the searing skin. I took this moment to throw another punch landing square in his jaw. He strongly punched my stomach causing me to heave over. Holding my in a bent over position he kneed me in the face, blood immediately started to pour from my nose. The hit made me lose my balance and I landed flat on my back in pain. The taste of iron leaked past my lips.
Chanyeol stood over me, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it with a grin. Stepped his feet in either side of my hips and looked down at me with the burn I had given him still visible on his cheek. The skin was red and blistered and the edges blackened into the shape of a handprint.
"You know.. " he kicked me in the rib. I cried out. "AH Fuck!"
"Puppies should behave" he kicked me again.
Suddenly a flash of something out of nowhere tackled him to the ground. I weakly turned to see Xiumin on top of him growling and wailing on him with rage as I'd never seen in him before.
Slowly I got up and looked around at the fighting happening. My chest ached with regret and all I could think of was how I wish I would have kept my mouth shut.
Kyungsoos opponent was the most relentless. "Aw come on," he whined as he pushed Kyungsoo to the wall using his body. Kyungsoo then punched him but the boy didn't move. He continued to try and get Kyungsoos shirt off. "What the hell man!? Get the fuck off!" Kungsoos face was bright red with anger.
Luhan was getting in good punches before the boy against him would disappear and reappear on a different side of him looking like he hasn't got a scratch on him. Luhan let out a frustrated growl his stamina was not going to last much longer. Suho was the most tactical he was seeing how long it took for his opponent to reappear and then he tripped him and jumped on top of him not letting the guy get one punch in.
Tao was having a hard time keeping Kris away from him. So I decided to go help. I jumped on Kris' back and held his arms as hard as I could and Tao kicked him across the face.

Xiumins original opponent was out cold lying on the wet ground.
Chanyeol was a pretty good match for Xiumin which made me that more annoyed that I'm not as strong as him.
Kris is slightly weaker than chanyeol in the sense of quickness.
With one punch Kyungsoo sent Kris flying through the bridge ceiling. 
I looked up as the top began to crack and pieces of concrete began to fall.
"We need to get out of here" I yelled to my brothers. The far end of the bridge began to fall. "Hey!? " Xiumin said and we snapped our heads around to see him on the ground alone. I turned and Chanyeol was only inches from my face. "Until next time... My puppy " he whispered in my ear and with that they all disappeared.
Our clothes were wet and muddy and cuts and bruises should littered our bodies. My face was covered in dried blood and my side throbbed. The cracking above up signaled the bridge was coming down and I limped as fast as I could to my brothers. "Get out! " a huge voice yelled and we all turned to see my father. "D-Dad what are you doing here?" I asked frantically. "I said get out! Go it's falling!" he said as he changed forms and held the ceiling that was slowly getting closer to us.
"but-" I started. "Xiumin take your brothers and go home!"
Xiumin looked at us in shock but did as he was told.
He grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me away. In return, I was fighting to get out of his grip. "No, we have to help dad!" I yelled tears pooling in my eyes. "Baekhyun he-"
"No! W-we have to help him! He'll be crushed!" I felt tears falling on my cheeks. My heart pounded and although my body was sore I fought to help him.
"Baekhyun... It's okay" My fathers' voice echoed. "I love you so much my sons" he gave us a forced smile. "Tell... Tell your mother I love her".
With those words the bridge gave way and in a deafening crash and clouds of dust, was all that was visible was the ruble.

I felt a stab in my chest. 

As tears endlessly flowed down my face as I ran to the scene. "No!! Dad!!? " I began throwing large pieces of concrete off of the pile in a desperate attempt to save him. "Dad!!!??" I sobbed.
I fell to my knees cutting them on large pieces I couldn't breathe I just choked on my tears.
I looked to the others with blurry vision.
Kyungsoo and Luhan were hugging and sobbing on the ground. Suho cried silently as Tao sobbed loudly into his shirt.

Xiumin stood still.

He had a dark expression as tears flowed down his bruised face.
"Dad" I heard Kyungsoos muffled sob.
I unsteadily stepped off of the pile and ran to Xiumin my hands gripping his shirt for dear life and brought him into a tight embrace.
I felt him breathe in a deep before his knees began to shake and without breaking the hug we were both sitting on the cold wet ground.
He hugged me tightly as he wept.

It's cold.

It was my fault.
If I hadn't said we go for a walk then none of this would've happened!
It's all my fault.

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