After a nine hour flight, my mom and I land in Los Angeles. The flight alone was long enough but in the state I was in, and still am, it felt eternal.
It's already midnight here in Los Angeles when my dad comes to pick us up here at LAX. My dad asks me a few questions on our way home and somehow I manage to mumble a few words, I don't even know what he asked.
Once home I hug my brother and sister after not seeing them in a week and after that I go straight to my bedroom to sleep because I am exhausted.
Somehow it doesn't feel right sleeping so I put on Zabdiel's t-shirt that he gave me. It smells just like him, faint cologne with his natural smell. I drift off to sleep relaxed feeling as if he's with me.
I'm so jet lagged that I slept for twelve hours. It's now twelve in the afternoon and I'm barely waking up as everyone in the household is already up. I hear a knock on the door and I tell whoever is knocking to come on in. It turns out to be my dad.
"Mija, te miras muy cansada y como si estuvieras llorando. ¿Que está pasando?" My dad worries.
"No quiero hablar de eso." I sigh.
"¿Tengo que ir a Puerto Rico y partirle la madre al chamaco que me dijo tu mamá que conociste? No apruebo eso, lo sabes." My dad says. He's always been overprotective especially with me because I am the youngest. I should tell him so he doesn't think wrong of Zabdiel.
"No, no es así." I explain. "Solo conocí a un niño de mi edad que es todo lo que he pedido en alguien. Ahora lo extraño extremadamente."
"Es normal sentir eso a tu edad, eres una niña. Solo es amor de jóvenes, puppy love. Pronto te olvidarás." He tells me.
"Esto es real. Sé que soy muy joven pero nunca había sentido algo así por alguien." I say.
"Ya hija, sobrevivirás." He hugs me.
"Ojalá." I fake a smile and he gets the hint to leave my room.
My dad doesn't know what I experienced with Zabdiel. I would explain my love for him to my dad but I feel like he wouldn't understand. He should understand though, him and my mom were young once and they were crazy about each other. My parents had my twin siblings young and many years later they are still married and in love.
I haven't checked my phone since the flight so I decide to do that. My heart beats out of my chest when I have missed calls from Zabdiel.
I call him on FaceTime and he answers after a few rings. I can't hide my happiness when I see him through my phone screen.
"Bebe, te extraño." Zabdiel says to me.
"Yo también, baby." I pout.
"Te ves muy triste. No quiero que estés triste por mi culpa." He frowns.
"Tú también te miras así, sé que estuviste llorando. Es difícil adaptarme sin ti después de solo una semana, me impuse mucho a ti." I say.
"Al menos no podemos ver aunque solo sea por una pantalla." He says to me.
I look at the time on my phone and we've been on the phone for seven hours. I know it seems crazy but time really went by fast. We walked around our houses, laughed until our stomachs hurt, he sang to me, and he even stayed on the phone when I took a quick shower.
I'm super jet lagged still that I'm falling asleep and he sees me.
"Voy a dejar que descanses, te ves súper cansada." He tells me.
"Tú también debes de estar cansado. Los dos tenemos que ir a clases mañana. Mejor hablamos mañana." I say.
"Buenas noches, baby. Te amo, no tienes idea." He says. I blow a kiss at him through the phone and we end the video call.
My sleeping schedule is so messed up that I end up waking up at five in the morning. I decide to watch Netflix before I get ready for school. I need to go to school since I missed all last week and I don't want to fall behind. I did super great in my freshman year and I don't want to ruin my sophomore year.
At seven I begin to get ready for school. Well I'm not even trying to get ready for school. I just put on some black leggings, a PINK maroon sweater, and my black vans. I let my hair stay in my natural waves and all I put on some foundation and concealer to hide the fact that I've been crying. A few swipes of mascara and a little bronzer to add color to my face and I'm ready to go.
"Como que Camila se la pasó muy bien en Puerto Rico." My friend Jacky tells the group at lunch. Everyone saw my snapchat story meaning they saw how much Zabdiel was in it.
"Pues si. ¿Y?" I embrace it.
"Que chulo esta tú novio, Camila." My friend Ivan says.
"I know, Ivan! Camila va tener que compartir." Ursula, another girl from the group says and I roll my eyes. She hates that name so she makes us call her "Sulie". Since I don't care for her fake self, I still call her Ursula to get her mad.
"Pues él no es para ti. ¿Ubícate, no?" I snap at her. I know Zabdiel doesn't know about her existence but I still get jealous.
"¿Que me perdí?" Dylan, my ex, joins the table.
I stand up getting ready to leave because I don't want to be near him or that group, in general. For my sake the bell rings and I head to my next class.
"So you and that guy huh?" Dylan catches up to me in the halls. I know he saw my snapchat story too, I bet everyone told him as well to add drama to this whole thing.
I look at him and immediately compare him to Zabdiel. How did I even like this guy in front of me? I feel sort of nauseous around Dylan and I don't want anything to do with him. Zabdiel wouldn't appreciate me talking to an ex and I know I would lose it if I found out if he talked to Mariana.
"¡Para mí eres como el 30 de Febrero, no existes!" I dismiss him and head to my class. I know I'm being rude to him but he's just a player that I don't care about.
I'm grateful when I get home because I get to talk to Zabdiel. We texted during the day but now I will get to see his face even if it means through a phone screen.
I know, boring and horribly written chapter. I wrote it as quick as possible. The next chapters will get interesting. I tried my best to update today since I won't be updating as frequent. Next week I will update everyday though :) Thanks for reading <3

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...