"Erick, no creo que sea buena idea que me quede dormir aquí." Camila tells me having second thoughts as I'm parked in front of my house.
"No seas así," I groan. "Ya estamos aquí."
"¿Pero que van a pensar tu mamá y papá?" She asks worried. "¿Sabes que? Creo que me voy, muchas gracias por todo."
"No quiero que te vayas sola en la condición que estás. Y mis padres no dirán nada. Por favor Camila, quédate." I am practically begging her.
"¿Como le puedo decir no a esos ojitos?" She smiles at me and I feel like I'm going to melt. If she were mine, I would never make her cry like others do.
We try to be as quite as we can as we enter my house. My dog Nena barks at first but thankfully she stops soon enough. With the flashlight from my phone we manage to make it upstairs to my room.
"Qué organizado tienes tu cuarto de veras." Camila praises me as I turn on the light.
"No te creas," I chuckle. "Tienes suerte que viniste cuando está limpio. Pero honestamente ya soy más organizado."
"Ese es mi Erick." Si, soy tuyo.
"Toma, puedes usar esto para dormir." I hand Camila a grey t-shirt of mine for her to sleep in. She already brought some black shorts to sleep in from her car.
"¿Donde me puedo cambiar?" She asks.
"El baño está en frentito de mi cuarto." I reply. "O si quieres me salgo mientras te cambias aquí?" I push the thoughts of her undressing in front of me away. What?
"El baño está bien." she says. "Con tu permiso."
"Por favor Cami, recuerda que esta es tu casa." I say to her and she leaves to go change.
The time she's gone I put my hand over my heart and notice it's beating rapidly. Camila is the first girl I'm truly happy that she's in my room. I remember once Naby came over and wanted to have sex on this bed but I quickly turned her down. The last couple times I've turned her down were because Camila was the only thing on my mind.
Thankfully my thoughts are gone when I hear my door open. I couldn't help to eye Camila up and down. Before her, I could check out a girl with no shame but as I checked her out just right now I got shy. My t-shirt on her is tight on her chest area and the way her spandex-like black shorts cling to her shape just have me bound to look.
"Yo me encargo de esto." I take her dress, heels, and her... bra from her and place it on my night stand. "Ahorita vengo. ¿No necesitas nada? ¿Algo de tomar? ¿Comida?"
"Estoy bien." She says. I leave the room to go to the closet down the hall to get blankets and a pillow to sleep on the floor. Before doing so, I head downstairs to grab a bottled water from the fridge for Camila. She said she didn't want anything but I think it's best for her to drink water and stay hydrated after all that crying.
"Te pasas de bueno conmigo." Camila says to me as I come back into the room with her bottled water. "Gracias."
"De nada my princess." I smile at her. "¿Viste? Hable más inglés." I say while placing blankets on the floor right next to the bed.
"¿Que haces?" She asks.
"Acomodándome antes de dormirme." I answer.
"¿Como voy a dejar que duermas en el piso de tu propia casa?"
"Estoy bien, tú eres la invitada."
"Yo puedo dormir en el piso." She stands up and faces me.
"Las princesas no duermen en el piso." I pick her up and lightly throw her on the bed, landing next to her.

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...