Chapter 43: Borro Casette

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I don't regret what Zabdiel and I did last night at all. Hopefully this leads to a reconciliation between us.

As I'm beginning to wake up, I don't feel any weight besides mine on the bed. I was expecting to wake up wrapped around Zabdiel's arms but I guess not.

I put on my silk robe after getting up from the bed. It's only 10 in the morning, he has to still be here. If he isn't in my room, he must be downstairs. I'm proved wrong when there's no one downstairs but Emily.

What if it was just a hallucination that Zabdiel came over last night? He wouldn't just leave without telling me. It wasn't a hallucination, Zabdiel was here, I could definitely feel it. I just ask myself why he would just leave without telling me.

"Good morning, bella durmiente." Emily smiles at me. "¿Estás buscando a alguien en especial?"

"Dime que Zabdiel estuvo aquí anoche y no estuve alucinando." I say to her to confirm that I'm not hallucinating.

Zabdiel! ¡Papi! ¡Tócame así!" Emily fake moans. "Obvio que estaba aquí. Hasta los cache, pinche niños calientes."

"Pensé que estabas dormida." I defend myself.

"Estaba dormida pero tus gritos me despertaron. Pensé que te estaban matando pero cuando fui a checar, vi que estabas completamente bien." She smirks at me.

"Whatever." I say to her before going to the kitchen. I end up eating my favorite cereal and finishing it quickly.

Before going back to my room I check my drive way and Zabdiel's car isn't there. He has to be busy today in order for him to storm out without a trace.

I'm back in my room sitting on my bed trying to wonder about Zabdiel's whereabouts. I decide to text him to see what's going on.

Zabdi que onda contigo?
Nomas te fuiste sin avisarme

I texted him five minutes ago and he still hasn't replied. I'm sitting on my bed waiting for his text like a dumbass. I know I lowkey sound crazy but the thing is that Zabdiel always replies fast. Finally he responds...

Zabdi ❤️: Me levante temprano y me fui. Eso es todo

Wow, what a response. Like I know you left but I want to know why.

Bueno pues... Espero que tengas un buen día 😘

Again he takes forever to reply. I should just go shower to stop overthinking.

Instead of the shower getting rid of my thoughts, it's only making me think more. Did I do something wrong? I thought we were moving forward but instead it feels as if we are moving backwards.

After my shower I put on my outfit for the day and do my makeup. I blow dry my hair adding volume to it, I really like how I did it by myself. My notifications on my phone go off, the first one is a text from Zabdiel.

Zabdi ❤️: Ok

Ok? Really? Why the hell is he being so short with me? He obviously doesn't want to text me so I don't respond.

My other notification is telling me I have an appointment with my gynecologist in an hour. I almost forgot that I had an appointment. This weekend I had set up an appointment to get on birth control. It's also my first time going to a gynecologist since my miscarriage almost two years ago.

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