Zabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...
"¡Muy bien Erick!" One of the singing coaches, Sonia praises me as I'm rehearsing by myself for this week's performance. "Se te escucha la voz muy feliz."
"Gracias." I smile brightly at her. I'm just so happy.
"Ve y toma un break con los demás chicos." She says to me.
"Ok, gracias otra vez." I walk out of the room.
I haven't seen Camila all day so I'm going to go meet up with her like we had planned this morning.
Last night was amazing, my heart begins to beat uncontrollably just thinking about it. I finally built up the courage to ask Camila to be my girlfriend and even though it took some convincing, she said yes. I couldn't even sleep last night because of how happy I was. She makes me extremely happy and I'll do everything I can to make her happy.
I see her come out of a studio room and she smiles as she sees me as well. It hits me once again, this beautiful woman is my girlfriend.
"¡Te extrañe, bebe!" I say to Camila and then I give her a kiss on the lips. This is another privilege I get to enjoy, being able to kiss her.
"¡Yo más cosita linda!" She shows her beautiful smile. "¿Como te fue en tu ensayo?"
"¡Muy bien! De hecho estoy en un break." I respond.
"No te quiero hacer tardar tanto. Un ratito más y ya, quiero que te enfoques." She says to me in a worried tone while embracing me in a hug.
"Me encanta que te preocupes por mí y seas así de cariñosa." I say to her. She's always been so caring towards me but now it's better because she's a caring girlfriend.
"Y a mí me encanta que esos ojitos verdes me miren así." She says.
I don't say anything else and push her against the wall. I look at her plump lips and then press them against mine.
"¡E-Erick estamos en el pasillo!"
"Ay, no hay nadie." I groan and we resume back to kissing.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
La manera en la que me besa me hace que me derrita aún más por ella. No sabía que alguien podría besar tan rico. I lose my train of thought when her tongue moves against mine.
"Ya Erick," Camila slightly pushes me away. "Estuvo rico pero alguien nos puede cachar."
"Está bien." I sigh.
"Camila, you're on air in five minutes." A lady comes out of the door Camila came out of. Camila fixes her hair and straightens her dress out.
"Ahorita voy." She tells the lady and she the lady goes back into the room.
"Nuestro break no duró tanto." I pout.
"No estés así, nos veremos más tarde. ¿Vale?"
"Vale. Más tarde te veo mi princesa." I give her a quick kiss on the lips and walk away.