Chapter 35: Despertar del Sueño

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"Camila." I hear someone call my name in the semi empty parking lot. I know who's voice that is.

"¿Que estás haciendo sola aquí a estas horas?" Zabdiel worries. He walks up to me as I'm standing outside of my car.

"No se." I answer honestly. I just didn't want to go home.

"No debes de estar sola aquí tan noche, no quiero que te pase nada." He says.

"No te preocupes por mí." I say in a feisty tone.

"Siempre me voy a preocupar por ti."

"No empieces." I sigh. Why must he say things like this when he keeps telling me he won't forgive me?

I wish I had brought a jacket with me. Although it's November, the weather in Miami is warm majority of the time. I shiver and Zabdiel notices.

"Toma," he takes off his jacket and puts it on me. I don't hesitate to take it off. It smells just like him so I smell it and he catches me doing it, this causes him to grin.

"¿Quédate un poco más a hacerme compañía?" He suggests and I nod. "¿Te subes?" He gestures over to his car and I get in while he holds the door for me. I just can't stay away from him.

When the car starts the familiar song begins to play.  This immediately causes me to get nostalgic.

"¿Te acuerdas cuando me cantaste esta canción?" I smile at him.

"Como no. Todo los días me recuerdo de este momento." He says.

I remember we were at beach the first day I met him while I was visiting Puerto Rico. After a while of spending time together, I met his family. His family told him to sing to me and he did along with his guitar.

"Eres el amor de mi vida
El destino lo sabia
Y hoy te puso ante mi
Y cada vez que miro al pasado
Es que entiendo que a tu lado
Siempre pertenecí
Tu has llegado a encender
Cada parte de mi alma
Cada espacio de mi ser
Ya no tengo corazón
Ni ojos para nadie
Sólo para ti." He sang to me that night.

The whole time he was serenading me his eyes didn't leave mine. That day I knew things would change.

"Como extraño esos días." He admits.

"Yo también." I pout.

"No tenías que defenderme en el comentario que me hizo Jomari en la entrevista." He says to me.

"Lo hice por qué me molesto mucho que te fuera dicho eso." I admit.

"Así son los que dan entrevistas. Y fue la verdad lo que me dijo, pude ver dado mucho más en mi presentación."

"La única razón por qué no hiciste tu mejor fue por mi culpa." I look away.

"Mira cómo te deje," he runs his hands through his hair. "Te sientes culpable y no te tienes que sentir así. No te voy a dejar que te culpes por mis errores."

"Si es mi culpa. Es mi culpa por qué no te pudiste concentrar, no pudiste dormir, te hice sentir triste..."

Zabdiel immediately shuts me up by pressing his soft lips against mine. Of course I don't stop him, I want this so bad.

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