"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" Emily barges into my room in the morning. She's recording me, probably for her snapchat story.
"¡Mi hermanita ya tiene diecisiete años! ¡Felicidades, te quiero muchísimo sis!" She hugs me and fills me with kisses.
"¡Aw, gracias sis! ¡Yo también te quiero muchísimo!" I thank her.
I put my silk robe on and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth real quick and then I head downstairs. I see that my sister made me breakfast.
"¿Esto es para mí?" I say while pointing to the nicely decorated breakfast full of juice, muffins, waffles, fruits, etc.
"No es para el vecino." She answers sarcastically and I laugh.
As I sit down to eat breakfast I receive a FaceTime call from my mom. I answer it and see that Gerardo and my dad are also with my mom.
"Esta son las mañanitas que cantaba el rey David alas muchachas bonitas se las cantamos así..." the three of them sing the whole song to me.
"Me van hacer llorar. ¡Gracias por cantarme Gera, ama, y apa!" I smile at them.
"Te tenemos que decir algo." My dad tells me.
"Queríamos ir a verlas ahora pero se canceló el vuelo y llegaremos mañana. Perdón por no venir en tu cumpleaños." My mom apologizes.
"Apenas nos dimos cuenta que se canceló el vuelo anoche. Aunque nos fuéramos en carro ahorita mismo no llegaríamos como en más de un día." My dad explains.
"No se preocupen, lo entiendo." I really do get it but I kind of would've wanted to spend my birthday with them since I haven't seen them in almost a week.
Emily and I stay on FaceTime with them for a few more minutes then we say goodbye. They all apologize again and tell me they love me and that they'll see me tomorrow. I check my phone and see that I have friends, more family, and people on social media wishing me a happy birthday as well. Moments later I receive a call from Zabdiel.
"Ya sé que fui el primero que te deseo feliz cumple pero ya tú sabes que te amo tanto que te lo tengo que decir otra vez so happy birthday, Cami!" Zabdiel tells me. No matter how hard I friend zone him, he is always super open about his feelings and doesn't mind telling me loves me.
Last night when we were on the phone we stayed up past twelve and he really was the first one to wish me a happy birthday. He even sang to me which is something I love the most about him, well I love everything about him... stop it Camila.
"Gracias, Zabdi." I tell him. "Siempre tan lindo conmigo."
"Así siempre seré, te lo juro."
"Zabdi anda hablando con una nena." I hear someone tease him.
"Déjenme en paz," Zabdiel laughs. From what I hear, a group of guys are just chanting out words and teasing Zabdiel causing me to laugh. It must be the boys from La Banda. I hear a lot of guys saying his famous phrase "Dímelo papi".
"Ya me tengo que ir porque tengo ensayos y además estos idiotas no me dejan hablarte." He explains.
"Bye." I laugh.
"Bye, bebe. Feliz cumpleaños y te veo más tarde,mami. ¡Te amo, tamo activo!" He tells me causing the boys to get louder in the background.
After breakfast my make up artist and hair stylist Mario comes to my house. He wishes me a happy birthday and then does my make up and hair. I change into a casual dress with heels for today because I'm going to make an appearance on Univision's TV show El Gordo y La Flaca.
"¿Como te está gustando Miami?" Raul De Molina asks me while I'm sitting down next to him and Lili Estefan on the show.
"¡Me encanta! Soy de Los Ángeles so ya estoy impuesta a una grande ciudad." I smile.
"¿Y no tienes algún novio por ahí?" Lili asks me.
"Ninguno," I giggle. "Soltera y sin compromisos."
"No creas que nos olvidamos de tu cumpleaños." They point to a cake being brought to me. Some people place the cake on the table and Lili, Raul, and the rest of the crew begin to sing to me on live TV.
I get a text from Zabdiel to meet him in La Banda studio since he's done with practice. It doesn't take me more than five minutes to walk there. Once I enter the set of La Banda, Zabdiel sees me and practically runs to me and spins me around.
"Es un lugar público, tengan respeto." Christopher teases us causing me to laugh. "Pero felicidades, Cami."
"¡Feliz cumpleaños, princesa!" Erick walks up to me and gives me a big hug.
"¡Erick! Gracias, hasta que te veo otra vez." I say.
While all of the boys of La Banda are wishing me a happy birthday, Zabdiel walks up to the stage.
"Esta canción se la dedico a esta grande persona que es Camila. Espero que disfrutes tu día especial por qué te lo mereces." He says through the microphone and then the music starts. I remember this song...
As the song starts, he signalizes the guys to bring me up on stage with him so he can serenade me even more. He holds my hand and begins to sing.
"Eres todo lo que pedí, Lo que mi alma vacía Quería sentir
Eres lo que tanto esperaba
Lo que en sueños buscaba
Y que en ti descubrí
Tu has llegado a encender
Cada parte de mi alma
Cada espacio de mi ser
Ya no tengo corazón
Ni ojos para nadie
Sólo para ti
Eres el amor de mi vida
El destino lo sabia
Y hoy te puso ante mi
Y cada vez que miro al pasado
Es que entiendo que a tu lado
Siempre pertenecí
Tu has llegado a encender
Cada parte de mi alma
Cada espacio de mi ser
Ya no tengo corazón
Ni ojos para nadie
Sólo para ti."Does he do this on purpose? Is he trying his best to win me back because it's working. The song that he just sang was the one he serenaded me with back in Puerto Rico. The song brings back so many nostalgic feelings.
I really had fun with Zabdiel and the rest of the boys of La Banda today. I met all of them and they're so friendly. They just give off good vibes in general.
I come home around six in the evening and get my hair and make up re-done. I change into a mint green dress for my birthday dinner with my sister and Zabdiel since I promised him we would spend my birthday together.
Emily and I head to a Japanese restaurant. We go inside to a table already reserved for us. Minutes later, Zabdiel comes into view and walks towards the table.
I'll update another chapter as soon as I can! It's almost 2 in the morning for me and I just want to sleep lol. Thanks for reading, loves ❤️

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...