Chapter 46: Challenges

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"¿Porque no quizo venir Zabdiel a desayunar con nosotros?" Jaime asks me. Jaime, Alan, Johann, Erick and I decided to come and have breakfast here at IHOP before rehearsals.

"Eso te iba a preguntar." Johann chews his food and goes back to speaking. "Ha estado actuando algo raro el Zabdi. Pues ya tiene semanas así de hecho."

"Déjenlo," I defend my best friend. "A pasado por muchas cosas."

"¿Como que?" Erick asks as quick as he can.

"Nada, no me hagan caso. Es que Zabdiel solo no se siente bien y ya." I say awkwardly.

Zabdiel's mom and I are the only ones who hear Zabdiel scream in the middle of the night because of his nightmares. They don't have to hear the pain and grief in his screams. They don't have to see Zabdiel stare at a wall with a blank expression on his face wondering what he did to deserve the pain he's feeling. He's a really strong person.

"Pues ojalá se sienta mejor." Alan says in a positive tone.

After I assure them Zabdiel is fine, we have other conversations. We finish our breakfast and ask for the check. Johann insists to pay for all of us and he ends up winning. Since Johann and I are the only ones with cars I take Alan and Erick while Johann takes Jaime in his car, we're all going to the studios.

This week Erick, Jaime, Joel, Yoandri and I are performing 'What Do You Mean' and Zabdiel, Richard, Aaron, Johann, and Alan are performing 'Tu Me Quemas'.

"Antes que empecemos a ensayar, vamos a ser unas pruebas." One of our singing coaches Sonia says to us. "Algo to lighten the mood." she laughs.

We stand with our bands and wait for the challenges that we have to pick someone from our band to do. Since this is a TV show, we are currently being recorded.

"El primer reto es mirarse a los ojos sin reír." Sonia tells us. "El primero que se ría pierde." The other group picks Johann and we pick Joel, they're both always laughing so this should be interesting.

" The other group picks Johann and we pick Joel, they're both always laughing so this should be interesting

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Even though Erick isn't even competing he ends up laughing first.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
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