Chapter 50: Confrontation

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Otra noche sin dormir. I think to myself. I check the time on my phone and see that the alarm is going to go off in less than a minute. I get up from my bed since I can't sleep anyways and go shower.

After my shower, I change and get ready for rehearsals since it's Monday. I eat breakfast in silence with Christopher and my mom, I end up drinking three cups of coffee.

"¿Ya listo?" Christopher asks.

"Si." I nod.

"Que les vaya bien mis niños," my mom says to Chris and I as we're leaving. "Dios me los bendiga."

"Como que ya párale, ¿no?" Christopher breaks the silence in the car.

"¿A que te refieres?" I snap.

"Te la pasas de amargado y deprimido." He remarks.

"Mientras no le esté haciendo daño a nadie, no te tienes que meter." I tell him.

"No nos gusta verte así Zab. Tú mismo te estás haciendo daño." He says.

"La única que te tiene la culpa es Camila." I roll my eyes.

"Si nunca la vas a perdonar pues ya olvídate de ella. Ya cierra esta etapa de tu vida para que no se dañen más los dos." He gives me advice.

"Tienes razón, perdón por actuar de esta manera. Lo único en que me voy a enfocar ahora es en la competencia aunque no será fácil." It hurts but I think it's the best if mine and Camila's so called love story ends.

Most of the boys and I are in one of the rehearsal rooms. The singing coaches are going to give us the song for our group performance.

"Esta semana las bandas van a tener que cantar mash-ups de canciones. Así que vamos a escoger las dos bandas." Our singing coach Sonia says.

"La primer banda será," Our other singing coach Rodrigo says. "Jaime, Joel, Johann, Christopher, y Richard."

"La segunda banda será ustedes Zabdiel, Aaron, Yoandri... ¿Donde está Erick?"

Moments later Erick comes through the door catching our attention. He looks in the best mood ever especially with that big smile on his face.

"Perdóneme que llegue un poco tarde." Erick apologizes.

"Está bien, nomás que no vuelva a pasar." Rodrigo says to him. "Y esta semana vas a estar en la banda número dos junto a Yoandri, Zabdiel, y Aaron."

The boys and I rehearse for this week's show until four in the afternoon. I'm already ready to leave I'm just waiting for Christopher to finish something.

I noticed Erick was in a excellent mood, more than he has been in a while.

"¿Por qué tan contento hoy?" I ask Erick.

He looks at me but finally speaks after a few seconds. "Ya sabes cómo soy de feliz."

"Oh ok." I say confused.

"Zabdiel, te quería hablar de Camila." He says to me casually.

"¿De que? Yo no tengo nada que hablar de Camila, ni le hablo." I raise an eyebrow.

"No me gusto como la hiciste llorar ayer después de show." He blurts out.

"No te metas en lo que no te corresponde." I say.

"Yo me meto en lo que yo quiera. Especialmente cuando se trata de lastimar a Camila, algo que haces mucho." He looks at me. Sometimes I can't control myself and end up hurting Camila with my words. I hate myself for that, I really do.

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