Donde estoy? I ask myself. I look at my surroundings and see that I'm in a bedroom. I can't see anything since it's dark but I can tell that it is the middle of the night.
Someone turns on their lamp and now I can see clearly. It isn't just someone, it's Camila. It's a fifteen year old Camila to be exact.
Now that I see her clearly I can see that her bed is covered in... blood. I panic completely, what is happening to her?! I rush to her bed and lay by her side and hold her in my arms, not caring that I'm getting her blood on me.
"Que te pasa? Te tenemos que llevar al hospital!" I yell. No matter how hard I'm crying, she's not even paying attention to me. It's as if I weren't even here.
"¡Amá! ¡Apá!" Camila yells as hard as she can.
Miguel and Isabel quickly come into the room. They look so frightened and panicked as soon as they see Camila. Camila can't even move from the state of shock that she is in.
"La tenemos que llevar al hospital!" I yell once again but it's like I'm not even there.
Camila's dad carries her and they rush out of the room. As Camila and her whole family leave the house, I can't. I'm paralyzed and can't even leave her room.
Someone how I end up in the hospital. Miguel rushes to the hospital entrance with Camila in her arms followed by the rest of the family. Camila is put on a stretcher immediately and rushed to a room. The doctors forbid Camila's family to go in the room with her.
"Esta es una emergencia. Nadie puede entrar adentro del cuarto con ella." The Hispanic doctor says.
"Se va morir mi hermanita?!" Gerardo asks sobbing.
"Todo puede pasar." The doctor answers honestly and then rushes to the room Camila is in. The doctor's answer makes my heart drop.
I rush to the room Camila is in and the door is unlocked so I go in. No one says anything as I'm inside the room since they don't notice me.
I see that Camila is hooked to a bunch of wires and the image has me shocked. She's unconscious at the moment while doctors are surrounding her.
I fear for Camila's life. Call me selfish but I fear for my life as well because if she were to die, I would certainly die too.
I didn't even notice time has gone until I see the sun peek through the windows. Camila is opening her eyes and before I can go and talk to her, a doctor comes in.
I can't hear anything of the conversation between Camila and the doctor. Out of nowhere she starts hysterically crying. She begins throwing objects near her to the doctor and it looks like she's angry. Other nurses and doctors come into the room and stick a syringe down her arm and she immediately loses conscious. Oh fuck no, I run towards them to do something about what they just did to my Camila but I black out as well.
"Se está despertando." Gerardo says while standing up.
"Mi niña todo va a estar bien." Isabel holds Camila's hand.
"Mi bebe." Camila begins to cry. Un bebe?
"Tu bebe ahorita te está cuidando desde el cielo." Emily says. It hits me, mine and Camila's baby passed away.
"Cállate! Mi bebe merecía vivir, no ser un angelito tan pronto!" Camila snaps.
"Tienes razón." Emily agrees.
"Porque cosas malas les pasan alas personas buenas?" Camila asks hopeless.
I feel extremely heartbroken, why did this happen to us? I feel as if a huge part of my heart is missing.
"Porque nos tuvo que suceder esto?" I ask Camila as I'm holding her in my arms. Her family isn't even aware that I'm here.
"Me fallé, te falle!" Camila sobs. "Es mi culpa!"
"Te amo." I say to her while sobbing as well. "No es tu culpa! No es tu culpa! No es tu culpa!"
"Zabdiel, ¿que tienes? ¡Despiértate!" I faintly hear my dad's voice and when I open my eyes, he's there. Last night after the show, I went to my house to grab clothes to spend a night with my dad in his hotel room.
I notice I was crying and that I'm also sweating a noticeable amount. My skin feels hot and I woke up with a horrible feeling.
"¿Quien no tiene la culpa?" My dad asks me. I guess I was actually saying the last part of my dream loud enough for him to hear me.
"Nada, ahorita te cuento." I say trying to calm myself down. I stand up and get my overnight bag and walk to the bathroom to shower.
The whole time I'm showering, I'm thinking about the dream I just had except it wasn't a dream. All of it happened, I remember Camila confessing it to me. The only thing that was a dream of this was me being present during it.
Por fin me dejo dar cuenta que la pérdida de nuestro bebe no fue nada culpa de Camila, por fin me quito la venda de mis ojos. Ella no quizo que nada de esto pasara, yo solo estaba muy enojado para darme cuenta. Ella me rogó y me rogó pero yo nunca le hice caso y me siento horrible por no escucharla y por tratarla mal. Camila es una mujer fuerte y valiente por pasar por lo que pasó a sus quince años y la admiro muchísimo. Lo que vi en mi sueño me dolió, me dolió mucho verla así. No la puedo perdonar porque no hay nada que perdonarle, ella no hizo nada. Si ella no me dijo de su embarazo hasta más tarde solo fue porque me estaba protegiendo.
Si alguno de los dos se debe de disculpar ese debe de ser yo por la forma en la que la trate. La amo y eso es todo lo que importa.
"¿Ahora me puedes contar de tu pesadilla?" My dad asks as we're having lunch at a restaurant.
"Sí pero solo que no era una pesadilla." I reply.
"¿Entonces que era?"
"Era real."
"Parecía real en la manera de que estabas reaccionando." He says.
"Soñé la noche en la que Camila perdió a nuestro bebe. Ella ya me había contado de esa noche pero ahora lo viví. Me siento horrible por culparla como la culpe, no fui justo." I say in a serious tone.
"Obvio que ella no tenía la culpa, ella no quizo que le sucediera. Entonces el sueño fue tan fuerte que por fin te diste cuenta."
"Por fin me deje dar cuenta, soy un imbecil." I shake my head. "Ahora ya sé cuánto en verdad sufrió. Camila a sufrido mucho pero ella es fuerte."
"Camila me dijo que no te lo contara pero te lo tengo que decir." My dad says.
"¿De que hablas, papá?" I ask confused.
"Camila hizo todo posible para que yo y tú no reencontráramos ayer en el show. Organizó todo a ultima hora y me hablo por teléfono para pedirme que viniera a darte la sorpresa. Hasta me pagó el boleto de vuelo y el hotel." My dad admits and I choke on my soda.
Camila did this for me? Of course she did. She didn't have to do this especially on the terms we are in but she did it anyway. She really has a heart of gold and this is one of the millions of reasons why I love her so much. My dream and now this have made me realize that we belong together. I'm an idiot, I truly am and I just want her back. Si me solté de Camila y no defendí nuestro amor fue porque que mi corazón estaba ciego.
"Primero mi sueño ahora esto me hacen dar cuenta que soy un idiota. Voy a luchar para que volvamos juntos." I say to him.
Finally Zabdiel!!! What do you all think? Por fin Zabdi!!! Que piensan sobre esto?

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...