Chapter 41: Lie Detector

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Why, why, why? Why is this happening to me. At this moment I wish I was invisible or something. I got caught in my own lies, that's what happened. The closer Zabdiel and Christopher are to us the more anxious I grow.

Why am I even feeling anxious? I don't need to feel like this. I may have lied to Zabdiel but I only used it as an excuse to not go out with him. He's equally to blame as me because all he does is confuse me. I wish I didn't feel as guilty, though.

"Hola Camila." Christopher hugs me and then goes to greet Alan and Erick. I don't pay attention to what he's saying to them because I can't concentrate.

I can't help but stand even closer to Erick. Lately I feel like he's someone I can rely on, always.

Zabdiel high-fives Alan and Erick and when I think he's going to hug me, I am proved wrong. He high-fives me as well.

"Perdón, no me quiero enfermar." Zabdiel smiles innocently at me. Yeah, innocently.

"¿De que habla?" Erick looks at me confused.

"Sabe." I shrug my shoulders. "Ya sabes que loco esta."

I expected Zabdiel to cause a scene when he was walking up to me just minutes ago. Instead he's being calm, a little sarcastic but he's still calm.

"¿Ya te quieres ir?" I ask Erick.

"¿Tan pronto?" Alan whines. I love Alan but I hate how he says and does things at the wrong times when it comes to Zabdiel and I. Like moments ago when he told Zabdiel and Chris exactly where we were at in the zoo.

"No seas cursi," Christopher interrupts. "Te apuesto que acaban de llegar. Quédense con nosotros."

"Tiene razón." Erick surprises me by saying.

"Ok pues." I agree. I need to show Zabdiel I'm not intimidated by his presence.

Mine and Zabdiel's relationship is all over the place. He forgave me but we're just friends in his eyes and I have had to accept that. But then he kisses me at random times and I don't think you randomly kiss a friend. Not only does he do that but he tells me he loves me and even invites me on dates. Even though he's always affectionate towards me, we also fight whether it's like a married couple or little kids. Why does he do this to me?

The five of us walk over to see the lions. Even though I'm with Zabdiel right now, I stay as far away from him as I can. I'm not even planning to talk to him.

Just when I think I won't be talking to Zabdiel I am proved wrong when he walks up to me. Alan, Erick, and Chris are distracted so they're not even paying attention to us.

"Que enferma te miras." Zabdiel comments as he stands next to me.

Should I show him that I'm not intimidated at all by him? I sure as hell am.

"Si estoy, llévame al hospital." I fake cough then smirk at him.

"Cami, debes de dar cursos de cómo decir mentiras por qué tú eres una experta." He says.

"No empieces," I whine. "Estamos en un lugar público."

"Me pudriste ver dicho que no querías salir conmigo por qué tuviste otros planes." He says to me while looking at the animals.

"De hecho no tenía planes solo que me invitaron a última hora. Y si no quería salir contigo era porque no quiero batallar. Solo me ilusionas y luego me dices que nunca podremos estar juntos nunca jamás." I explain myself not even daring to look at him.

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