Zabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...
"¿Quieres esto?" Zabdiel asks me as our lips are inches away from each other.
"Si." I reply. "¿Por qué no quisiera esto?"
"Pues como no la llevamos peleando." He remarks.
"Shhh... No hables." I put my finger over his lips. "Sólo bésame."
He listens to me and closes his eyes meaning he's about to kiss me. But before his lips touch time, my phone goes off. I reach for my phone in my pocket to see who it is. The call turns out to be from Erick.
"¿Quien es?" Zabdiel says looking annoyed because we were interrupted.
"¿Que querrá a estas horas?" He asks.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"No se pero le voy a preguntar eso." I say.
"Tú no le vas a preguntar nada porque estamos ocupados." He grabs my phones and places it on my counter after hitting ignore. "De hecho, le voy a decir que ya no hable porque estamos juntos."
"¡No! No le puedes decir eso." I quickly say.
"¿Porque lo dices en ese tono?"
I know that if Erick finds out that Zabdiel and I are together, especially at this time, he'll be heartbroken. Would he still even be heartbroken? Does he still have feelings for me?
I don't want to talk about this anymore so I walk up to Zabdiel and look at his lips before pressing them against mine. I can feel him smile as I pressed my lips against his. His tongue basically begs for entrance but I don't let it, not yet.
"No te hagas la difícil." He chuckles and then he picks me up and tosses me on the bed.
I get on my knees while on my bed and remove Zabdiel's t-shirt. Since he's still standing up just outside my bed, I pull him to the bed. The only light we are getting is from one of my lamps but we still manage to see each other.
Camila and I are nowhere near to resolving our problems but I know we need this. We this desperately actually, we need to escape from our pain.
With no difficulty I remove her shirt along with her bra. I leave wet kisses on her neck and then her full breasts from there I go to her stomach. I'm already in a euphoric state just by kissing her everywhere and hearing her panting and moaning.
By the time I'm finished torturing her with my kisses, we are both fully undressed. Before doing anything else I pause to admire her beauty. Her skin is glowing, eyes are sparkling, and her cheeks are a light shade of pink.