"¿Tenían planeado a donde ir?" Camila asks Alan and I as she's driving through the city.
"No se." Alan responds. "I just tagged along."
"Donde quieras ir tú." I say to Camila.
"Tengo una idea." She suggests.
"A ver dime,"
"Desde que me vine a vivir acá no he conocido el zoológico de Miami." She says. "Que tal si vamos?"
"¡Vamos!" I say in a cheerful tone. "Yo tampoco he ido, si estuviera bien conocerlo."
"Les va gustar." Alan smiles.
"¿Donde es?" Camila asks Alan since he's been there.
"No soy muy bueno en dar direcciones." Alan admits.
"Let's use the GPS then." Camila says.
It's cute and hilarious at the same time to see Camila get frustrated because of the GPS. She continuously curses at the electronic. The GPS finally decides to start giving the directions clearly.
"Siempre intento olvidarte y te vuelvo a encontrar
Siempre en cada rincón y debajo del mar
Si me voy del planeta, eres la estrella fugaz
Si en las noches yo duermo, en mis sueños estás." Camila sings the familiar song with passion while turning the volume up. I know how much she loves Sin Bandera."Eres sirena, oigo tu canto
Y me ahogo en tu cadera
Porque tu vuelvas yo daría lo que fuera." Alan and I join her.As Camila is driving she places her hand near mine as if she's expecting something. Is she expecting me to hold it? I would love to actually but I think we both know who she would want to hold her hand while she's driving.
"Perdón, discúlpame. Solo es un hábito." She apologizes embarrassed.
It's a habit she probably picked from Zabdiel. They probably hold each other's hands while one of them is driving. Not only that but I'm also sure he would place his hand on her thigh while his other hand was on the steering wheel. I shake the thoughts off of my head, I don't want to imagine that.
Although I don't turn back to see Alan, I know he's staring at me. I know he saw the awkward situation between Camila and I. Camila and I always have awkward situations because out of habit she'll do something she always does with Zabdiel with me. After she does something like that, she'll quickly apologizes.
"Por fin llegamos." Camila says as she finds parking in Zoo Miami.
"No debe de estar tan lleno el zoológico considerando que es martes." Alan says as we're walking towards the entrance of the zoo.
We have a mini argument on who gets to pay the entrance. I was the one with the idea of going out so I keep on insisting to her that I pay. Of course Camila doesn't listen and immediately pays for Alan and I. I'll pay for the food and drinks then.
Once we're in the zoo we walk to the cloud forest section of the zoo. Alan is basically our tourist guide because this is our first time here.
"Mira el Richard." Camila points to a active monkey swinging from tree to tree causing us to laugh.
"Tell Richard what you just said." Alan says to Camila while recording her on snapchat.

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanficZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...