Zabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...
"¿Viste a Zabdiel ayer?" Emily asks me over breakfast.
"Yeah." I admit.
"¿Como te fue? ¿Te hizo llorar?" Emily worriedly asks. I'm so grateful to have Emily and also Erick completely on my side.
"No." I answer. "Instead of me being the one begging, he's the one begging me this time."
"Que bueno. Hazlo que que se arrepienta." She says. "He'll beg you to get back with him in no time."
"Me llamó a las tres de-"
"Y por su puesto que le contestaste." She raises an eyebrow at me.
"Si pero no andaba de romántica con él." I explain.
"Ni le fueras contestado. You need to show him that you're not playing." She lectures me.
Before I can say anything else, my phone begins to ring. I look to see who it is and it's no other than Zabdiel. Even though I want to answer I hit ignore due to my pride. He calls me again after ignoring the call.
"Ves, no me deja en paz." I say.
"Ya contéstale al chamaco." Emily says and I do just that.
"¿Bueno?" I answer the phone.
"Buenos días." Zabdiel says to me. I can already tell he's smiling.
"Buenos días a ti también."
"¿Quieres salir conmigo hoy?" He asks.
"¿Como un date? ¿Que no dijiste que quieras solo ser amigos?"
"Pues si, vamos a salir como amigos." He says in a duh tone.
"Como se nota que lo estás castigando." Emily interrupts.
"Te lo voy a comprobar, estupida." I tell her while covering my hand on the phone so Zabdiel doesn't hear.
"¿Que dices? ¿Vamos?" Zabdiel begs like a child. "Ándale, no seas así."
"No, gracias. Estoy enferma, no me estoy sintiendo tan bien." I lie.
I look at Emily and she looks like she's about to choke on her orange juice because of how much she's laughing. Everyone always laughs at the stupid things Zabdiel and I say to each other.
"¿Que tienes?"
"Solo un resfriado pero ando un poco débil." I fake cough.
"Ayer estabas bien." He says confused.
"Me levante enferma, no sé cómo." I continue lying.
"Puedo ir a tu casa y te cuido, que tal?" He insists. Can he make up his damn mind? He continuously tells me that he can only be friends with me but sends the most mixed signals.
"¡No! ¡No vengas! Te voy a enfermar y además no quiero ver a nadie." I continue to fake cough.
"Está bien, espero que te sientas bien." He says concerned.
"Bye, ya me voy a dormir otra vez." I hang up.
"No pues wow." Emily claps sarcastically.
"Te dije que él es el que me busca ahora." I would've loved to hang out with Zabdiel but I need to show him that he won't be wasting my time anymore.
"¿De que te ríes loco?" Alan asks while smirking at me.
"Es que le mande esta fotico a Camila." I reply smiling and then showing him the picture.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"¿Todavía te gusta Camila?"
"Obvio." I reply in a "duh" tone. "Ya te he dicho que esto no es un capricho."
"Estoy sorprendido que te guste una chica por tanto tiempo. Y tambien ya no andas de rompe corazones." He teases me. I'm surprised too, I haven't talked to any other girls since I admitted my feelings to Camila.
"¿Y tu no andas de rompe corazones?" I wink at him.
"Soy un angelito." He smiles innocently.
Camila and I have been sending snaps to each other since the morning so instead of texting her, I decide to call her.
"¿Que onda Erick?" Camila answers through the phone.
"Nada aquí nomás y tú como estas?"
"Igual también. Bien agusto." She says.
"¿Quieres salir hoy?" I had an amazing time last Friday when we hung out so why not ask her to hang out again?
"Um, aver..." she's thinking.
"¿Por qué no? No seas así." I whine.
"Ok pues." She says.
"Dile a Camila que le mando saludos." Alan says.
"Dice Alan-"
"¿Esta Alan contigo? Él debe de salir con nosotros." She says to me in a cheerful tone.
I was hoping to spend time alone with Camila today. I know I sound selfish but I can't help to want that. She's my princesa.
"Alan, Camila y yo vamos a salir. No sé a dónde pero quieres venir con nosotros?" My selfless self asks Alan.
"¿Estas seguro?" I think he might've gotten the hint that I wanted to spend time alone with her.
"Si." I think it's best for Alan to comes with us actually. If I don't want Zabdiel and I to get in a physical fight like we did in my head then Alan should come.
"Gracias." He smiles at me.
"¿Voy por ustedes en una hora? ¿Donde andan?" Camila asks.
"No te preocupes mi mamá nos puede dejar donde pensemos ir." I say to her.
"No te preocupes. Yo voy por ustedes." She insists.
"Ok." I give in. "Estamos en mi casa."
"Te avisare cuando llegue a tu casa." She says.
"Adiós." She says goodbye to me as well and then hangs up.
"No tenías que invitarme a salir con ustedes. Sé que querías estar solo con Camila." Alan says to me after my call with Camila.
"Es cierto pero Camila quería que fueras." I admit. "Además, creo que es mejor que vayas." I add.
"¿Y eso por qué?" He asks with a confused look.
"Porque no quiero problemas con Zabdiel y se nota que él y Camila están... peleados?" I honestly don't even know right now.
An hour later I get a text from Camila telling me she's outside. Alan and I go outside of my house and instantly see her car. I get on the passenger seat while Alan sits in the backseat of the car.
"¿Listos chicos?" Camila looks back at Alan and I and we nod at her.
"Vámonos a una aventura." Camila says to us smiling while driving.
I feel like it's been forever since I updated, sorry about that. I'm really tired so goodnight loves 💖 Vote & comment!