"¿A dónde vamos Camila?" Erick asks as I'm driving.
"¡Tú no me hables!" I yell. Not only am I hurt about what just happened but I'm also furious that they had to get in a fight like that.
No tengo cabeza para procesar lo que acaba de pasar.
I instantly feel bad for lashing out on Erick like that especially because he's bruised and bleeding but I do have the right to be mad at him. He doesn't talk anymore instead he moves the seat back elevating it so his nose doesn't bleed as much.
"Para responder tu pregunta," I begin. "Vamos pa' mi casa, haya te ayudo. ¿Como te voy a llevar a tu casa así? Me muero de vergüenza con tu mamá."
"¿P-Porque te daría vergüenza?" He says as he gently touches his chest, it must be hurting so bad.
"Que le voy a decir a tus padres? El Erick se peleó con Zabdiel a golpes por mi pinche culpa?" I try my best to not break down again.
"No te sientas así, bebe." He groans in pain. I drive faster to my house to help him. Thank God he's not injured badly because then I would have to take him to the hospital.
"Tienes razón. ¡Es tu culpa! ¡Tú me prometiste que no te ibas a pelear! Rompiste una promesa Erick. Yo solo te pedía una cosa y ni eso pudiste hacer." I snap and then shake my head at him in disapproval.
"¡Zabdiel fue el que empezó! ¡Él me pego primero!" He defends himself.
"Te fueras metido para dentro inmediatamente. Fueras evitado esa pelea." I say.
"¡Tenía mucho coraje! Y además, ¿qué querías? ¿Que me mirara como un maricon metiéndome a dentro de la casa después que me pego?"
"¡A la madre! De tanta violencia y drama se me había olvidado que estaban mis padres y mi hermano aquí!" I haven't checked my phone since I drove like a maniac to Johann's house. I check my messages and see its from Emily, Gerardo, and my parents all asking me if I'm on my way home.
The gates of my home open and I park my car in the driveway. Erick gets out of the car without my help and I run to him to help him walk properly. He's probably dizzy from that heavy bloody nose he has.
The front door is unlocked and I walk in helping Erick. I can here my family talking already, they're in the living room. Thankfully the stairs are the first thing you see when you enter the house so I hope they don't notice I'm here just yet, I need to get Erick in my room first. Just when I think I'm getting away with this, my family walks from the living room to the stairs.
"Camila, por fin-" My mom's smile falls when she sees Erick.
"Erick!" Gerardo, Emily, and my parents gasp at the same time. My parents and Gerardo don't know Erick personally but they do know who is, of course.
"¿Que pasó?!" Emily asks shocked.
"Ahorita les cuento, lo importante es ayudarlo." I say.
"Si, claro! Tráelo para la cocina para ayudarlo." My mom says.
"Erick Brian Colón, mucho gusto Señor Casillas." Erick is struggling to speak but he manages to anyway. He reaches out his hand to my dad and my dad gladly shakes it causing Erick to groan from the pain.
"Discúlpame!" My dad apologizes. "Pero llámame Miguel."
Even though my family already knows who Erick is from the show and because I'll mention him just like I'll mention the other boys, he still personally introduces himself to Gerardo and my mom.

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...