October 2015
One month has passed since I moved to Miami. I love this city so much, there's never really a dull moment. I love my job and the people I'm surrounded by.
I'm happy that Emily is living here with me but I miss living with my parents and Gerardo as well. But I'm grateful that they have came and visited me here. The day after my birthday they came and visited me actually. I was thankful that Zabdiel had practice for La Banda the following day because I wouldn't want some things revealed just yet.
I know that the night of my birthday Zabdiel was suspicious of something. I felt that he got upset with me because I didn't confess to anything. For a few days he started being weird and awkward with me until I confronted him.
"Ya no actúes raro por favor." I said while holding his face to face me.
"Entonces dime que te está pasando a ti." he told me.
"No tengo nada, nada me pasó." I told him.
"¿Como que nada te pasó?" he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Digo que no tengo nada. Solo estás asumiendo cosas." I nervously said. He could assume all he wanted but he could never guess what actually happened.
Instead of saying anything back to me, he picked me up and pressed me against the wall to kiss me. I always respond so quickly to his kisses that drive me crazy. But when I was kissing him I began to have thoughts of what happened causing me to push him back.
"De esto es lo que estoy hablando." He pointed out.
"Zabdiel, escúchame." I told him. "No podemos apurarnos, ni soy tu novia."
I'm always dying for him to have his hands on me and make love to me but I begin to think about what happened to me so it stops me from doing anything. I just use the excuse that I don't want to go too fast with him.
"Estoy pensando que solo me quieres para sexo." I told him knowing that's not true. As an actress I know how to manipulate people so by telling him that I can make him feel guilty and that would stop him from getting suspicious with me.
"Tú sabes que eso no es verdad." He said in a serious tone. "Perdóname, entiendo que no estás lista. Es que eres tan bonita que eres difícil de resistir pero ya no insistiré."
Finally! Now he will stop asking me what's wrong. I feel guilty for not telling him something that he has to know but I just need the right time to tell him.
"Te amo." I told him while hugging him. We aren't dating but that will never stop me from telling him that. It slips out sometimes because it's a habit to tell him I love him.
"Te amo. Que nunca se te olvide, Camila." He ran his fingers through my hair.
Flashback over
"It's Halloween, not to mention it's also a perfect Saturday night! What the hell are you doing in your pajamas?" Emily scolds me.
"Ya me viste temprano. Can I just relax?" I whine. I got invited to some Halloween parties but I'm not in the mood. "¿A donde vas tú?" Obviously she's going out since she's dressed up as Wonder Woman.
"William y yo vamos a un antro con unos amigos." She replies. I introduced Emily to William Valdes, a fellow Univision co-worker, and they hit it off and now they're dating.
Before I speak, I hear the doorbell ring. My sister opens the door and it turns out to be William dressed up as Superman.
"Me van hacer que vomite." I joke around with Emily and William looking up and down on their costumes.
"Hola, Camila." William greets me with a hug.
"Vámonos." Emily tells him and they head towards the door. "Si sales esta noche, cuídate. ¡Bye, te quiero!" Emily says to me.
A few minutes pass and I here the doorbell ring again. Emily must've forgotten something. I am wrong when Zabdiel is on my doorstep.
"Pasa." I say and he does just that before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Los chicos quisieron hacer algo esta noche por que es Halloween." He says. It was Noemi's birthday today so I stopped by her house earlier today for a quick visit and Zabdiel was also there.
"Vete con ellos." I state the obvious.
"Te estamos invitando." He says.
"No se." I sigh. "¿No se supone que deben de estar descansando por la razón que mañana es su primer live show?"
"Ándale, no nos vamos a quedar tan tarde." He persuades me.
"Ok, vamos. Espera, no tenemos disfraces puestos. Eso quiere decir que no podemos ir." I say.
"Podemos pensar algo al último momento. ¿Que tal si nos vestimos de Vaselina?" He suggests.
"¿Vaselina? Ohhh Grease?" I look at him instantly knowing what he's talking about.
"¡Si! Ese sería un disfraz súper fácil." He says.
"Que padre la idea." I smile.
An hour later and we are both done with our costumes. I already had everything for the costume so once I dressed up I did my hair and makeup just like Sandy. I'm a replica of how Sandy was in the last scene of Grease when her and Danny performed "You're the one that I want".
For Zabdiel, we drove to his house to get him ready. I did his hair for him which was so fun. He looks so hot as a Greaser.
"Que guapo te miras como un greaser." I bite my lip.
"Gracias, bebe." He says as he gently squeezes my butt. "¿Que? Solo estoy actuando como un greaser."
Zabdiel and I along with the rest of La Banda boys meet up at Johann's house. They didn't want to go out all extreme since tomorrow is their first live show. I greet all of the boys with their costumes.
"Zabdiel, apenas sabes de la película. Ser Danny Zuko era lo mío." A Woody dressed Yoandri teases him.
"No te enojes, there's always a next time." I jokingly console him.
The small kick back at Johann's house turned out to be lots of fun. It's always a great time with them. They know how to have fun and I respect them in the way that they're all responsible and prepared for tomorrow.
"¿Me vas a ver cantar mañana?" Zabdiel asks me as he walks me to my front door.
"¡Por su puesto, no me lo perdería por nada del mundo!" I say and mean it.
"Espero verte, eh." He tells me while giving me a small peck on the lips.
"Yo seré la que te estará viendo como una ciega viendo el mundo por primera vez." I say trying to remember where I heard that quote from that I love so much.
"Gracias por todo, te amo." He winks at me while getting in his car and driving off.
Sorry for teasing you guys with random chapters but just wait on it haha! 😜

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...