Chapter 65: Plan Inmaduro

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Last night with Camila was emotional and full of crying. Even though I was desperately begging her to get back with me, I stopped towards the end trying because she reminded me how bad I treated her and I hate myself for that. I'll keep trying for us to be together again. I'll do my very best to win her over.

Lo que me hizo sufrir más es lo que me dijo cuando le pedí que dejara a Erick.
"Yo a Erick lo quiero muchísimo y mientras mas y mas lo voy conociendo puedo decirte que me estoy enamorando de él."

¿Como me pudo decir eso? Me lo dijo con tanta sinceridad. Camila todavía me ama pero ya se que es muy tarde.

"Zabdi, hermano," Jaime breaks me out of my thoughts. "Vamos a McDonald's ya que terminamos los ensayos? Todos los demás chicos ya se fueron a no sé dónde."

"Vamos." I agree.

Jaime and I decide to walk to McDonald's since it's really close to the studios.

"Acaba de invitar a mi novia hace minutos pero me dijo que no podía porque estaba su amiga con ella y le dije que vinieran las dos de todos modos porque iba estar un amigo conmigo." Jaime explains.

"Claro y ese amigo soy yo." I point out.

Minutes later what I think is Jaime's girlfriend and friend come in since Jaime looks at them.

"Hola bebe." Jaime kisses his girlfriend. "¿Como esta?" He greets his girlfriend's friend.

"Te presento a mi novia hermosa Anahí y esta es su amiga Tatiana." Jaime presents both of them to me.

I'm being really awkward right now so I wave at them. "Hola yo soy Zab..."

"Ya se, Zabdiel!" The blonde who's name happens to be Tatiana cheerfully says. ¿Será fan del show? No creo.

We order our food and it is given to us not that much later. We go find a place to sit at and since Jaime and his girlfriend Anahi are sitting next to each other, I sit next to Tatiana.

"¿Cuánto llevan juntos?" I ask Jaime and his girlfriend to make everything less awkward.

"Unos días pero ya teníamos tiempo que hablamos," Jaime replies. "Ya que ella y Tatiana venían a los live shows."

"Fue un momento muy bonito que tu papá te sorprendiera el domingo." Tatiana says in a positive tone.

"Lo sé y fue un momento súper especial para mí." I say while thinking about it.

"¡Tú eres mi favorito de La Banda, sé que vas a ganar!" She smiles.

"Gracias y con el favor de Dios." I smile back. "¿Cuál fue tu favorita presentación mía?"

"Mmm," she's thinking. "Ginza!"

"¡Dímelo mami!" I chuckle.

"Zabdi, ¿vas a ir a la fiesta de Alan?" Jaime reminds me.

I had completely forgot about it when we came here to McDonald's but we were talking about it during rehearsals. It's Alan's last night in Miami today so his family is throwing him a party at his house. Of course, I'm going.

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