The flight from Puerto Rico to Los Angeles felt eternal. At least we're here now. From my parents and I, I'm the only one with luggage since they only came to pick me up. We get on a taxi and it drives us home. With the LA traffic I know it's going to take a while.
"¿Todavía andas con esa actitud?" My mom asks.
"Sí y no me hables." I reply in a harsh tone.
"Oye chamaca, no le hables así a tu mamá!" My dad scolds me.
I ignore them and look at the city from the window. If I keep looking at my parents any longer, I know I will continue to argue.
"Mereces una buena cachetada, sabes?" My dad says. Why? I didn't do anything.
I'm still wondering how the hell did my day turn into this.
"Emily, te hable para avisarte que Camila se vino con nosotros, vente para acá mija para que no estés sola." I hear my mom as she's on the phone with Emily.
"Si, pensamos que era mejor que nos la trajéramos." My mom says to her.
"Ok, aquí te esperamos. Bye, te quiero." My mom says and hangs up.
Finally after thirty minutes of hell on the taxi, we arrive home.
"Gerardo." I cry into my brother's shoulder when I'm inside the house.
"Gracias a Dios te tengo aquí hermanita." He says while hugging me tightly. "Como estas? Como te sientes?" He asks desperately.
"Mal, me siento muy mal pero no es porque casi me ahogaba sino por estos monstruos que están atrás de mi!" I say referring to my parents.
It was so wrong of their part to just show up and announce that they're going to take me back to Los Angeles. Being the stubborn person that I am I refused to leave but Zabdiel didn't help. The only reason I left with my parents was because Zabdiel harshly told me to leave, he kicked me out. At first he stood up for me and told my dad I didn't have to leave if I didn't want to and then he drastically changed his mind.
"Hija, yo no quise causarte daño." My dad says to me.
"¡No me toques!" I say when his hand touches my shoulder.
"Entiéndela por favor, apá." Gerardo whispers to my dad but I hear him anyways. "Ven te llevo a tu cuarto." He says to me and he walks with me upstairs to my room.
"¡No se vale!" I cry on Gerardo's shoulder for the second when we're on my bed in my room of this house.
"Ya, ya no llores." He says while rubbing my back.
"¿Porque no los paraste cuando te dijeron que iban a ir por mí a Puerto Rico?" I ask. He could've convinced them not to come for me.
"Porque yo estaba de acuerdo." He says while looking away.
"¿Cómo pudiste dejar que esto sucediera?!" I yell as I hit his chest.
"Zabdiel te pudo ver cuidado." He says and my blood boils.
"Él no tiene nada de la culpa! El ni estaba ahí cuando pasó todo!" I argue.

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...