I wake up confused, wondering where I'm at. Now I remember, I'm at Camila's house. I drank so much yesterday and the only reason I'm not hungover is because I would drink some Gatorade almost between each new beer or shot.
I laugh at what happened when Camila got here last night. She was furious when she saw that I was drinking then attacked Gerardo. Then we got thrown into the pool together. And lastly I remember wanting her so badly like I always do.
I get up from the bed smiling because I know I'll see my Camila in a matter of seconds. I head downstairs to see if she's there but she isn't, it's just Gerardo, Emily, and their mom Isabel.
"¿No andas crudo Zabdi?" Emily asks me immediately when she sees me.
"Gracias a dios que no." I reply. "Te imaginas, hoy es domingo."
"En serio que se pasan tú y el Gerardo... Pinche borrachitos." Isabel teases. "¿No quieres desayunar?"
"Porfa," I nod at her. "¿Y Cami?"
"Ah se fue hace una hora." She answers. I reach for my pockets to find my phone but I panic when I don't feel anything.
"Tranqui Zab, andabas bien pedo anoche que dejaste tu celular allá afuera." Gerardo hands me my phone. The first thing I see on my phone is missed calls from my mom. I check the time and it's twelve in the afternoon.
"¡Carajo ya son las doce!" I say. "Se me va a ser tarde." I thank them and hug them goodbye and quickly head to my car.
The first thing I do when I get home is shower as quickly as I can and remove the stubble from my face with a razor since I haven't in a while. I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt not putting that much effort to it because we have a wardrobe in La Banda.
"Zabdiel, ¿porque no me contestaste el celular anoche?" My mom asks in the living room.
"Me quedé dormido." I reply which I did.
"Christopher me dijo anoche cuando llegue, que estabas en casa de Camila y yo no le creí porque, ¿qué ibas estar haciendo allá? Luego le hable a Camila y me dijo que si estabas." She says.
"Pues si, porque iba a mentir de eso." I say to her.
"No quiero más problemas entre tú y Erick. Pasaron la noche juntos o que? Por eso no contestaste?"
"Ya quisiera yo. Pero nomás fui a su casa para janguear con su hermano Gerardo. Camila no llego hasta más noche." I admit and leave the drinking part out. "Mami, ya me voy para los estudios. Te apuesto que soy el único que no a llegado." I say.
"Bueno té veo más tarde en el show." We say goodbye to each other and I drive to the studios for the show later tonight.
"¡Ay no! Tú también?" One of La Banda's stylist groans when he sees my face as I walk in the dressing room. "Lo bueno que no estás tan grave y te lo puedo cubrir bien."
After putting makeup and setting it with powder to cover up the bruises on my face and changing to my first look, I go backstage to warm up.
The band performance I'm in includes Erick. Erick and I haven't spoke since the fight last Wednesday. When I'm about to go near Erick because we have to get ready together along with Yoandri and Aaron, the rest of the guys come.
"Ey, ey! Aquí no empiecen con sus pendejadas." Johann says to both of us as we're all gathered up together.
"Eso no es lo que iba hacer." I remark. "El show no tarda en empezar y los dos estamos en la misma banda."

Dimelo Papi | Zabdiel De Jesus
FanfictionZabdiel De Jesús es parte de la competencia La Banda y está luchando por sus sueños para llegar a la banda final que será CNCO. Dos años antes cuando apenas eran unos adolescentes, conoció a Camila Casillas, una chica que el llama el amor de su vida...