Chapter 1: You Mother Trucker

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I looked down at the note my mom gave me.

I'm going to be gone for about... 3 weeks? I brung your little brother and sister with me so they wouldn't bring you trouble, also, I put some cash in the jar above the fridge, that should last you a while. I love you.


I hate you. So why even say love on there? And I know you hate me. Well, at least I think you do. You're just a very confusing old bastard.

I sighed and walked over to the fridge. Looking up I see a baby blue jar, just sitting there, waiting for me to grab it. But when I reach for it, my fucking hands couldn't reach it.

"Shit. I wish I were taller." I mumbled.

I pulled up a chair from the dining room table and set it up against the fridge's door. My hands searched for the jar, until I felt the cold glass.

Pulling it down I opened it and seen about couple thousand in there? A terrible grin stretches across my face, so much money. Why would mom leave so much? Who cares. Let's just order pizza later tonight. Maybe even go into the booze chiller downstairs.

I giggle and step down from the chair. Once the chair was back at the table, I skipped around happily, until I slipped. I stubbed my toe on the corner of the base board.

"MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! I JUST STUBBED MY FAVORITE FUCKING TOE ON THE FUCKING WALL HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I scream while holding my toe tightly. Tears are already brewing in my eyes. "Why did it have to be me?" I say dramatically.

The door bell rang, I glared at the door for a minute, already sensing the presence of Kai. His gay aura is killin me! I slowly shuffle to the door and open it. He slams it open, barely missing the toe I just stubbed. I squeak and jump back. "What the fuck!"

"Hey hot stuff!" He says while walking in as if he were on top of the world.

I can't help it but to roll my eyes, "Come in Kai." I mumble.

"What's that?"

"Nothing." I say and look away with a devilish grin.

"Okay?" He says uncertain if he's safe or not. Should think that, almost broke my toe, Dickbag.

I love him, but hate him because he's gross as hell. Like when we drop food, he'll still fucking eat it. He doesn't even think about what's been on the floor. I'm still surprised he's not dead yet.

We both walk into the family room and sit down on the couch. Of course Kai had to practically sit on me, I was about to kick him in his head, but instead I smile. It's too fun when he's here.

"Hey, we should watch a movie."

I groan, "We watch so many movies Kai!"

"Do I care?" He asks loudly.

"No..."My lips form a frown as I mumble.

"Then what do you want to watch?" He said walking over to my TV and searching the DVD cases.

"Nothing honestly. Actually no! I wanna watch Suicide Squad!" I shout and push excitedly.

"Okay... Fine. But I pick next time." He hates that movie, which makes me wonder what planet he was born on. That is the best movie of ALL TIME. I watch as he grabs the DVD.

He sighs, "We've watched that before though..."

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYIN FUCK! LET'S WATCH IT AGAIN!" The smile on my face is literally stuck there as I watch him put it in. 

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