Chapter 7: Even More Questions

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I promised not to scream or think about anything unnecessary, but I don't really know why.

Jeff told me to behave correctly unless I wanted to get killed by anyone.

Which... Actually sounded cool coming from his mouth. But now that I said it in my mind, it sounds a bit weird. Coming from me that is.

"Hey! Ben said he talked Slender into coming in later. So hurry up and teach her the things she needs to know!" Jeff yelled through the labs door.

"What else should she know? I filled her in on everything. Well, except for....that..." Is it me or is Jack hiding something.

"What's that?" I questioned, only to be straight up ignored.

"Shouldn't I just be my wonderful self during this meeting?"

Jeff snickered, "Pffft, wonderful? More like pitiful."

I glared at him as Jack put away his unused tools and drugs. He's probably heartbroken that he might not be able to test things on me anymore.... Sad right?

Hopefully he does end up killing me.. I won't have to me tortured anymore AND I might be able to see my grandma.

I smiled like a doofus say that thought. My grandma died when I was 13. And let me just tell you, I was depressed for years.

"Whatcha thinkin' about honey?" I looked up at Ben.

I ignored his comment and simply replied, "I'm thinking about my..." My breath hitched, and I came to a pause.

"Your....what?" He asked grabbing a chair and pulling it to sit in front of me.

For starters, I'm thinking about my dead family. But should I really consider even telling him the truth?

"My.... Losses." I choked out.

Bens eyes glowed with curiosity.

"Your losses?" He asked unsure what to say.

I nodded as he continued, "Heh. We've all encountered an incredible amount of losses. Hell, Jeff knows alot about that. But I don't suggest asking him about it any time soon, especially if you value your head being in your neck." He chuckled as I shivered.

"But the thing is, we still move on. We're not the same as we used to be, but we are who we are, right?" He laughed rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"What I'm saying here... Is that no matter who it what you lose, it's making you the person you are now, right?"

I nodded with tears falling from my eyes. I held in my sobs that tried pushing their ways up my throat. I slapped my hands over my mouth, trying to muffle the noise I made.

"Wow. Was I that heartbreakingly amazing? I feel so loved babe." I giggled.

"Please don't call me that boo. But thanks alot. I needed that.... I guess." I questioned a bit with a smug grin.

Something about this place made me feel like this was home. In a weird, twisted way.

"Ben, what time is Slender coming?" Ben looked at the clock that hung above our heads and looked back at Jeff who was waiting impatiently at the hospital bed.

"Right about...." He grinned, "Now?"

I felt a breeze come from behind me. I was getting ready to punch Ben in the throat for blowing on me, until I saw a glimpse of a very very tall man. He was dressed really nicely, wearing a nice black suit with a red tie.

I scanned his body and ended up starting at his.... Face. I think. Well, he didn't have a face, but a very white head with no hair.

He probably sees me as a fly or a pedifile or something.

"Fear not, child. I'm only here to talk. Anything else is...." He paused looking for the right word, "Unnecessary."

I nodded, taking in what he said.

Wait.... What the fuck? Did he just-

"Child. Clear your mind and speak the truth. As I will do the same." His words were filled with static.

"How can you talk? You have no-"

"I speak telepathically. I am not able to speak any other way." He sounds... Different from the others.

His voice is filled with dominance and.... What's a word to describe it?


Something I was never able to grasp onto my entire life.

"Now, child, it's my turn to do the questioning." What's in it for me? Why should I answer someone who can end up killing me?

"I said fear not child. For I am here to get answers. Nothing more nothing less." The static is starting to give me a headache.

"I-Umm.." I sighed and pushed the fear away.

"I like the way you think, Jennifer." The tall creepy guy said casually.

"Haha, thanks...?"

"Where to begin...." He put his finger up to his head and went into deep thought.

"Oh, well, how did you get here?" So the questions begin.

"Jeff brought me here to be tortured to death." I said shrugging.

"How did you pass my border?" I looked up at him.

"What border?"

"The border I had kept up to keep fragile humans, such as yourself, out and away from the mansion."

I shook my head, "What the hell are you then? If your not human, then what are you?"

"Questions can wait until later."

I huffed.

"Back onto topic," He sighed, "What did Jeff do to you? I picked up some images from you when I transferred myself here."

"Don't even get me started on that douche bag."

"First off, he killed.... my family." I put a fake smile on, "Then he took me here to me tortured by the other douche bag. So I ended up here in this stupid lab for who knows how long!" Anger was fuming out of my like the steam from a train.

"Is that it?" Slender asked disappointedly.

"And occasionally carved into my stomach with his retarded kitchen knife."

He nodded but didn't say a word.

Until my mind drifted to future questions.

"Where did he cut you?" I lifted up my short and showed my stomach.

"Jennifer, there is nothing there." My eyes immediately went down to my stomach.

And sure enough, nothing was there. Not even a scar.

"B-But I swear he did! He cut me here and here!" My fingers drifted around on my hot skin, showing him the exact places where Jeff took his frustration out on me.

"Hmm? Interesting."


He hummed, making me grow frustrated, "What is?"

"Nothing you need to worry about Child."

"Tell me. I'm going to die sooner or later, so I want to know now." I have to tell him the truth. Otherwise, he'll never know.

He nodded, going into a complicated thought.

"Sense you put it that way, I have no choice."

"Child, Do you know when you died?"

"Wait, what?"

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